8 stripper tips to go on a date

Richard Davis
4 min readJun 12, 2019


Men are ruled by their heart. They do not think through things that they do. Frequent adult strip club visitors have seldom been there for dating. But there are a lot of men who have lost their hearts to sexy female strippers. Dating them is a dream for them. So we thought it would be better to give you some dating tips before hand. This might help you date that stripper you have been eyeing for weeks at a stretch. So the next time you feel the heart ache, the next time you want to date. Remember these dating tips and you shall be on your way. There are a lot of ways to woo a stripper. But there are a few ways to woo them away from yourself. Below is a list of things you should remove from your playbook.

  • Fedora isn’t fun

Men have weird ways of dressing themselves. You must never over do it but you must never under do it too. Fedoras are not cool. They have been out of fashion for almost a decade. Unless you’re a heavyweight champion do not wear a fedora to an adult strip club. adult strip club

  • Frequent trips to the ATM

Unless you plan to woo her away by tipping half a million do not take out a lot of cash. Stacking $1 bills on your table and posing like a stud never helps. We are not there for the first time. There have been crazier men who have actually tipped half a million away. So do not stretch your luck. Be modest, kind and realistic at the end of the day. Take out cash as much as you want, but that doesn’t make you a man.

  • Show off your wealth

Talking about how much you make in a year will not get you any near. That is definitely not how this works. Women know very well that when men are in lack of something they tend to overcompensate. Talk about the same thing at a stretch. So talking about how much money you make might backfire at the end.

  • Try your luck with every stripper

That’s just down right desperate behavior. I mean who in the world would ever date a guy who hits on every single woman he meets. So what if we are strippers. We have got self respect. And it is high time you understand that. This is not a brothel and trying your luck on every single stripper is just lame.

  • Make a move by touching her

A strict no! Never do that. In Fact if you are somebody who does not make a move that might set your apart from everybody else. Get this fact straight through your head. You are not allowed to touch them. That is the only rule of that place. Maintain the decorum please or you’ll lose a finger instead.

  • Talk about other you’ve dated

It has never helped anybody to talk about their past dates. It will not help you here too. No matter how wasted you get you should never balber about your past dates. Even though she was a stripper, I don’t want to hear it. You talk about me instead. How much you like my face or something. Read more about what not to say to a stripper.

  • Date tipping

Dates are not a legit tip. Tip is something that you give sexy female strippers when your loved the naked lap dance. It is a gesture of appreciation. You cannot cheap out or trick her into going on a date. That will work against you instead. Tip her generously and then maybe ask her out on a date. But only if you are certain that she might be interested. Don’t put the onus on her, she isn’t there to go on dates as a tip. Money is the only currency for tipping. Dating might be the outcome of tipping her well. Even in that case nothing is for sure my friend.

  • Ask for her “real” name

If you think making a connection involves knowing one’s real name think again. When you’re in a strip club everything is a game. Why not just play along and enjoy? Asking for real names and personal details kill the vibe at an instant. Refrain from asking her name, enjoy your time and gauge her interest. She will tell you her real name at the end. Do not push this subject.

These are a few tips for all men. Dating a stripper is not a fairytale. Many men have dated strippers. But they never crossed these lines. There has to be a spark between you and the stripper. She will tell you if she feels it. She has seen thousands of men ogling her everyday. If you do the same it will never have the desired effect. Instead play the game while you’re in there. Ask her out politely at the end. And remember strippers are also human. Treat them as a friend you’re asking on a date. Check your male chauvinistic attitude at the gate.



Richard Davis

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