AWS Best Practices Implementation

Richard Elliott
8 min readJul 14, 2023


Navigating AWS without the right information can be overwhelming, and it may feel like exploring a dense jungle. However, with this step-by-step guide, you will gain the knowledge and confidence to navigate AWS like a pro. By following the well-architected framework and leveraging the expertise of a certified Solution Architect like myself, you will receive comprehensive guidance to conquer the complexities of AWS. Together, we will demystify the AWS ecosystem and empower you to make informed decisions, design robust architectures, and optimize your AWS infrastructure. Say goodbye to the jungle and embrace the path to AWS success!


  1. Hey there! In this document, My main goals are to help you implement the best security measures and make signing up for an AWS account a breeze. I’ll also guide you through setting up budgeting and show you how to leverage AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) effectively. By focusing on these goals, I’ll ensure that your AWS environment is secure, your onboarding experience is smooth, and you have the tools to manage costs efficiently. This document is designed to provide you with practical insights and step-by-step instructions, so you can confidently achieve these objectives. Let’s dive in and get started on your journey to a secure and optimized AWS setup!

How To Set Up AWS Account

Alright, folks, let’s dive into the exciting world of setting up your very own AWS account! Get ready for a fun and straightforward process. Here’s how to do it:

  • Surf on over to the AWS website: Fire up your web browser and head to the official AWS website at The adventure awaits!
  • Seek out the “Create an AWS Account” button: Look for that shiny, inviting button that says “Create an AWS Account” on the homepage. Give it a confident click to embark on your AWS journey
  • Provide your email address: Enter your email address and select “I am a new user” option.
  • Set up your account: Follow the prompts to provide your account information, including your name, address, and contact details. You will also need to create a unique account name and password.
  • Enter payment information: AWS requires a valid payment method to verify your identity. You can choose between a credit card or use Amazon’s invoicing system.
  • Select your support plan: Choose the support plan that best suits your needs. AWS offers a range of support options, including free basic support and different tiers of paid support.
  • Complete the registration: Review the terms and conditions, and if you agree, click on “Create Account and Continue.”
  • Verify your identity: AWS may require additional verification to confirm your identity. This process usually involves receiving a phone call or SMS with a verification code.Sign in to your account Once your account is successfully created, sign in to the AWS Management Console using your account credentials.
  • AWS Budgets Service: In the AWS Management Console, search for and select the “Budgets” service. It can be found either by using the search bar or navigating through the “Billing & Cost Management” category.
  • Create a Budget: Within the Budgets service, click on the “Create budget” button to begin creating your budget.
  • Budget Type: Choose the appropriate budget type based on your needs. AWS offers several options, including Cost, Usage, Reservation, and Savings Plans. For cost management purposes, the “Cost” budget type is most commonly used.
  • Budget Details: Provide the necessary details for your budget. This includes the budget name, the period for which the budget applies (e.g., monthly, quarterly), and the start and end dates.
  • Budget Filters: If you want to specify which AWS accounts or services are included in the budget, you can apply filters. This helps in creating targeted budgets for specific accounts or services within your AWS environment.
  • Configure Thresholds: Set your budget thresholds by defining the amount or percentage at which you want to be alerted. You can choose to receive alerts when you reach a certain cost, usage, or specific cost and usage combinations.
  • Define Actions: Decide how you want to be notified when your budget thresholds are breached. AWS provides options to receive notifications via email, Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service), or AWS Chatbot.
  • Review and Create: Take a moment to review the budget details, thresholds, and notification settings you’ve specified. Once you’re satisfied, click on the “Create budget” button to activate your budget.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up budgeting in your AWS account. The budget you’ve created will help you monitor and manage your costs effectively. AWS will send you alerts whenever your spending exceeds the thresholds you’ve defined, allowing you to take proactive actions and make informed decisions to optimize your expenses. Keep an eye on your budget and adjust it as needed to align with your financial goals. Happy budgeting!

Now let’s walk through the amazon bushes to Security Credentials. Click your User name drop down box then you shall see.

  • Navigate to Users: Within the IAM realm, you’ll find a section called “Users” waiting to be discovered. Click on it and behold the list of users associated with your AWS account. The chosen one awaits! I’m only joking, it’s a new account, nothing here really. You first have to set up a new user.
  • Add User: Now, let’s embark on the journey to create a new user. Click on the “Add user” button and prepare to shape a unique identity.
  • User Details: Provide the essential details for your new user. Enter their name, which will serve as their identity in the AWS realm. You can also add an optional description to provide additional context.
  • Access Type: Decide how this new user will access AWS resources. You have two options:
  • Programmatic access: Select this option if the user needs programmatic access through APIs and AWS CLI tools.
  • AWS Management Console access: Choose this option if the user requires access to the AWS Management Console.

Feel free to select one or both options, depending on your user’s needs.

  • Set Permissions: Grant your new user the powers they require by assigning appropriate permissions. You can either choose an existing policy or create a custom policy tailored to their specific role.
  • The choice is yours!
  • Optional Settings: Explore the additional settings available for customization. You can enable MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) to enhance security or set up tags for easier user management. These options are not mandatory, but they can add valuable layers to your user’s experience.
  • Review and Create: Take a moment to review the details you’ve provided for your new user. Ensure everything is accurate and as you intended. Once you’re satisfied, click on the “Create user” button.

Voila! You have successfully created a new user in AWS. They now have their own unique identity and can access the resources and permissions you’ve assigned to them. Remember to share the user’s credentials securely and provide them with any necessary guidance on how to utilize their newfound AWS powers. Good luck on your AWS adventures with your new user!

Best Practices for AWS Account Management.

Using a sentence password is better for several reasons. Firstly, sentence passwords are typically longer and more complex than traditional passwords, which makes them harder to crack through brute-force attacks. By incorporating spaces and a combination of words, numbers, and special characters, sentence passwords offer increased security.

Secondly, sentence passwords are easier to remember compared to random strings of characters. This eliminates the need to write down passwords or rely on password managers, reducing the risk of exposure to physical or digital theft.

When it comes to user accounts, it is considered a best practice to use an admin user account instead of the root account. The root account holds the highest level of privileges and controls the entire AWS account. By using an admin user account, you can assign specific permissions to perform administrative tasks while keeping the root account secure and limiting its use to critical situations. This practice minimizes the risk of accidental or unauthorized actions that could have severe consequences.

Setting up budgeting, permissions, and policies for any new account created by the admin user is essential for maintaining control and security.

  • Budgeting: By setting up budgets, you can closely monitor your AWS spending and receive alerts when you approach or exceed your defined thresholds. This helps you proactively manage your costs and prevent unexpected overruns, ensuring that your AWS expenses align with your financial goals.
  • Permissions: Implementing granular permissions allows you to control access to AWS resources and actions. By assigning specific permissions based on roles or responsibilities, you limit potential security risks and maintain a principle of least privilege. This ensures that each user has only the necessary access rights required for their tasks, reducing the chances of unauthorized actions or data breaches.
  • Policies: Defining and enforcing policies helps establish governance and compliance within your AWS environment. Policies allow you to set rules and regulations, such as enforcing encryption or network security protocols, to ensure that all resources and users adhere to your organization’s standards. This strengthens security, improves consistency, and mitigates risks associated with misconfigurations or non-compliance.

By implementing budgeting, permissions, and policies for new accounts, you maintain control, enhance security, and promote responsible usage of AWS resources. These practices contribute to the overall stability and integrity of your AWS environment.

