Richard Foley
2 min readOct 28, 2016

RT Essentials, co-written by one of the RT’s original core developers, Jesse Vincent, starts off with a quick background


lesson about ticketing systems and then shows you how to install and configure RT.

This comprehensive guide explains how to perform day-to-day tasks to turn your RT server into a highly useful tracking tool. One way it does this is by examining how a company could use RT to manage its internal processes.

Advanced chapters focus on developing add-on tools and utilities using Perl and Mason. There’s also chapter filled with suggested uses for RT inside your organization.

From the reviews on Amazon:

When I first started learning about RT and how to apply the utility to our business, I needed a book that was simple and easy to understand. This taught me all the fundamentals and the examples were easy to follow.


Request Tracker (RT) is a great product. I am the only sysadmin at a small company, and having an automated tracking system is going to be an immense benefit for me. I bought “RT Essentials” to help me get up to speed on RT3 really quickly. And, since it was written by the programmer who’s responsible for RT, the book had lots of detail and tips.

Check it out for yourself.

Originally posted 2016–07–08 06:37:23.

The post Request Tracker appeared first on RFI Publishing.

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