Rich Fontaine
5 min readMar 4, 2020


Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker book review part I

The desire for success and the achievement of it are two completely different things. Meaning most people want to be rich, have wealth and create financial freedom but most don’t know how. More importantly they don’t realize that in order to reach those lofty goals they would have to be conditioned to do so which majority are not. We have a makeup that was established in our youth which the author calls our financial blueprint. If our financial blueprint is not for wealth, wealth will not be accumulated in ones life. We must first adjust our financial blueprint to be for wealth creation before we can set off in the physical tasks to get us there.

The author always wanted to be rich but failed after starting multiple businesses, and moved back home to his parent’s basement. His well off family friend came to talk to him one day after spending time with his father and said “If you are not doing as well as you like all that means there is something you don’t know.” He then further explained to a young T. Harv that rich people think a certain way and poor think a certain way. Moreover, if you started thinking and doing things like The Rich then you could be rich too. With this profound new information, the author spent every waking moment then after, studying rich people and their psychology.



Rich Fontaine

📖 Author 💡Entrepreneur 📢 Speaker ♦Founder/CEO of The Power of Self Entertainment and Host of "A Successful Conversation"