Japanese Boy Loses Copy of Pokemon Green, Finds It On Amazon 18 Years Later

2 min readApr 14, 2016


‘When I bought this, it stated it was in “very Good” condition, but it came with horrific markings on it,’ said Jeramy, in his review of the copy of Pokemon Green he bought on Amazon earlier this year. Those horrible markings turned out to be the name of the game’s previous owner, Yuki Tanaka.

A Japanese Niconico creator posted a screenshot of this particular Amazon review on Twitter and it immediately started trending on social media in Japan. In less than 12 hours it received over 10,000 retweets.

Yuki discovered this and, remembering that he lost his Pokemon Green when he was 7 years old, thought it may be his. “That looks like my handwriting right?” he asked his sister on Line. “Yeah, it does,” said his sister. “That thing drawn around the name looks like something I would have put on there too,” Yuki added.

Yuki asked the person who first shared the photo on Twitter for the link to the review, and then began trying to get in touch with the buyer.

Other people on the Internet have joined in the search for Jeramy and have come up with some leads on where we can find him on social media. I asked Yuki if he would ask for the game back, but he said he’s moved on since losing cartridge and would like Jeramy to keep it. He and everyone in Japan following this story is just interested in how amazing that a boy’s lost video game turned up on the Internet and was rediscovered back on the other side of the ocean.

We were able to track down Jeramy, but he told us he no longer has the game in his possession because he returned it to the Amazon seller. We’re in touch with the seller now to see if they still have it.



