How to produce a custom motorcycle helmet at home?

Rose A. Sullivan
3 min readJun 10, 2018

Making a custom motorcycle helmet means making a specialized or customized tailored helmet according to your preference. That’s why a custom helmet can’t be produced in bulk. It is kind of a limited edition unit of product that’s only available to you.

However, even if we speak about a custom helmet, you will still need to make sure that your helmet is safe and it protects yours head in any situation. There are some basic ways to make your helmet custom — airbrushing, custom painting it or applying decals to make it look awesome. Here we will describe the ways to make unique motorcycle helmets.

Custom painting

Don’t throw your old helmet! You could transform it into a new customized helmet. There are 2 ways you can custom paint your helmet: airbrush the helmet or wet paint it.

If you have painting skills, you can go on paint the helmet by yourself. But usually it’s better to hire an expert painter and get it done. Don’t even try to paint the helmet yourself or you will end up with an ugly painted helmet.

Here are a few steps for people that decided to paint their helmets:

1. Remove shield, visor & inner pads;

2. Clean the outer shell of the helmet. Just remove all the dust inside;

3. Use sandpaper to sand the outer shell;

4. Use tape to cover any part you don’t want to paint.

Apply a sticker or custom motorcycle helmet decals

There are a lot of different decals you can find in the internet. Simply choose the best ones for you and attach them to your helmet. Just make sure to remove all the dust before installing the decals on helmet’s surface!

Custom motorcycle helmets for sale

You can also buy custom helmets made by other people. For some people it’s better to buy a custom helmet than making it custom themselves. You don’t to learn the whole process of production because it’s usually hard and sometimes messy.

Cover your helmet with a custom helmet skin

Instead of painting or buying decals, you can apply a custom skin to make it look really cool. Also, a skin can protect your helmet from scratching the surface.

Wear a mask instead of a helmet

You can also get some really nice face masks. The only problem is that they don’t protect your head. Probably a little bit of face protection but our skull remains unsafe. This is a problem of getting a face mask but they look really cool! So, we can’t recommend you to wear a face mask instead of a helmet while riding a motorcycle or bike. The good place to wear it can be some kind of motorcycle show.

Pinstripe your motorcycle helmet

Pinstriping is the process of application a very thin line of paint. It is normally used for a decoration. Pinstriping can actually be placed on anything: cars, trucks, helmets etc. This method is not easy at all. It requires a little bit of delicacy and cautiousness to get the things done right. This method usually use only professionals. Here are some of the types of pin striping:

1. Mechanical pinstriping. This method is performed with a help of a machine. Usually used basically on large surfaces.

2. Freehand Striping is the process of painting the strip manually by hand. This is really an expert level task. You will need a lot of practice before trying this method out.

What is the best way of making a custom motorcycle helmet for you? Whatever you choose, it’s always better to make your unique looking helmet instead of buying it. Good luck with that!

