How Much Do These Top Contributors Really Write?

Richard K. Yu
5 min readMar 15, 2018

I’m not sure I believe it, but if it’s true, I want in.

“Here’s how I write X,000 words per day,” or “I just made $X,000 from home.”

Any of these headlines sound familiar?

No disrespect intended to any of these guys and gals who do this, but this topic has been beaten beyond what you could call a dead horse.

And people are still doing it even though to the point where one of these stories probably appears as “from your network,” every other hour.

Guys, I don’t know about you, but I even see some of the same Unsplash photos being used as I browse around Medium.

So, what’s this all say about creativity and content quality?

Consequences of Recycling Headlines for Creativity

Again, I want to emphasize that I have a problem with the trend and the content that it creates, not the people.

For example, I’m starting to think that between this and the “Towards Data Science” publication we have, there could be a collaboration between coders and content writers that use this headline to write a code that generates this specific type of article automatically.

