Richard Lyon
1 min readSep 10, 2018


Elisa — many thanks. There is no amount of misdirection can alter the fact that men die sooner than women, and receive less funding for the diseases that kill them. It’s not clear what conclusion you would wish us to draw from the observation that there are some women who, despite benefiting as a gender from more funding and longer lives, are undiagnosed. Perhaps that we should not allocate any money to male disease until every woman’s illness has been treated? Moreover, if it were true that the goal of feminism is equality of outcomes between the genders, then it should be you — not I — that argues that funding for men for disease prevention and suicide prevention should be increased until parity of life-expectancy and suicide outcomes are achieved. Yes?

In respect for the original poster, this is my last contribution. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.



Richard Lyon

Liberal egalitarian. Passive House owner. Traveller. Photographer.