5 Inspiring Apple Shortcuts to learn from (macOS)

richard moult
2 min readJan 11, 2022


See below 5 shortcuts that are not just useful but great to learn from if you are thinking about creating one of your own.

To find any of the Shortcuts mentioned below, first open the Shortcut app on your Monterey mac. Select “Gallery” from the menu on the left then enter the name of the Shortcut in the search bar on the right

Each of the titles below are the names of the Shortcuts you can search for.

True or False Game

Put your knowledge to the test in this low-stakes quiz.

This is not quite the most interesting feature in this list but there is a tonne to learn from in this Shortcut. You will learn…

  • How to set variables,
  • Use the Calculator app
  • Play sounds
  • Store information
  • Randomisation
  • Basic logic
  • Menu selection

Morning Briefing Set-up

Have Siri read you the weather and the travel time to work, and play a podcast.

Learn how to…

  • Set-up a Shortcut to remember text, location, list selection
  • Get time to location
  • Get current weather
  • Display text with variables
  • Play podcast

Image of the data

Show the NASA image of the day

See how to…

  • Retrieve RSS feed
  • Get contents from web page
  • Get images from web page
  • Show image
  • Save image

Make GIF

Create a GIF from a Live Photo or video.

See an example of how to …

  • Provide a Quick Action for files
  • Photos Save
  • Shoe Photo
  • QuickTime trim video

Text Last Image

Message your most recent photo.

See how to …

  • Get the latest x number of photos
  • Send a text

If you found this blog post helpful, you’ll love the book packed with plenty of real-world examples and AI integration — dive deep into Shortcuts.

Hope that list helps to give you an idea in creating your next Shotcut. If you fancy learning more head over to this post for some handy links.

