A car journey to now

Richard Nedic
2 min readSep 22, 2023


Pick a car. Now you’re driving in your car, imagine that you’re on a long straight road. You are rushing home, as you’ve had a stressful week and you’re completely lost in anxious thoughts. As you look out, it is raining with dark and heavy clouds in the distance. So you hit the pedal and now you’re accelerating up to 80mph. You look ahead and realise that the road has no ending, so you hit the pedal harder and now you’re doing 100mph. It seems like it’s an endless road, so you go even faster, realising that there is no limit to how fast you can go. Suddenly you’re doing 300mph and the speedo has broken. You keep going faster and faster to the point where you have driven yourself into now. You have driven yourself out of time and into the present. You are now completely still. All your worries have gone, as there’s no time for your thoughts to appear in. You have lost all sense of doing.

As you look out the window, the sun is now shining and it’s stopped raining. Suddenly, a traffic light appears in the distance and you start to brake. You slowly arrive back to the lights and as you slow down, your thoughts start to reappear. You take a left, pull into your drive and walk to your front door. You make a cup of tea and sit on the sofa. Now, are your worries still there?

