Behind the “This American Negro” Photo Shoot

Marquise Richards
3 min readJan 15, 2020
Photographer: Darren “Blaxz” Alexander —

My name is Marquise Richards, and I am the host of “This American Negro,” which is a podcast that is meant to bridge academia and the hood. I wanted to create a show that could feed my hunger for information and to do something that kept me in my research bag. I love information and I am curious to know how this information could change someone’s life.

I went to college and learned more about how to articulate what I was experiencing and learning a larger history that informed my Blackness and what that meant. I knew that there was an endless need for information, but I wanted to make it more accessible to our community and knowing that I could bring some form of thinking to our people. I knew that I wanted to do something like this, when my older brother told me to speak normally, since I was throwing out words like intersectionality, capitalism, and other words that are used normally in academia. I had to get out of my echo chamber and start finding out how to use this brain and put it into use.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

I actually wanted to do this shoot to convey this idea around being Black in the academic space. Blaxz was the perfect person for this concept. He has a particular way of capturing…

