iHealth Covid-19 Test from Amazon: A Review

Richard Cummings
3 min readDec 17, 2021
At-Home COVID Testing

This is a review of the iHealth COVID-19 test that I ordered on Amazon for our family prior to the Thanksgiving holiday.

First, let me tell you why I ordered these COVID tests for the family and why you probably should too.

Our family holiday consists of 19 people. Of these 19, the majority of them are vaccinated but we have a couple of outliers who still need to “do their research”. (I ask them rhetorically if they are going to attend medical school because the people who have already done the research have well over a decade of studies on this matter.)

I was actually in favor of banning the unvaccinated from the holiday party but my parents wanted to see the whole family so we decided that the unvaccinated people would wear masks. I’m weary of this approach because I’ve seen what happens at festive, consumptive parties and many times the parties do not end with unvaccinated people (or any people) in masks.

So, if this was going to be our approach, I suggested that we all take COVID tests before the family Thanksgiving party. This suggestion was accepted by all — though, ironically, the least in favor of this suggestion were those who were not yet vaccinated.

That is when I discovered this iHealth COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test on Amazon.

At about $9 per test, this was going to be just less that $200 total for two things: (1) The peace of mind that comes from knowing everyone at the Thanksgiving party is COVID free and (2) Avoidance of someone contracting or passing COVID to others at our Thanksgiving party.

And don’t get me wrong — I’m not one of these doomsayers who believes COVID will kill everybody in its path. In fact, the reality is very far from that.

The reason that I fought this uphill battle to do COVID testing before our Thanksgiving party is because of my parents, who also happen to be the grandparents of 20 plus children.

We are doing this and we have to do this for them.

They are each 84 and 85 years old with the accompanying ailments of most elders of that age. Additionally, one of them is an ongoing cancer survivor.

One sad fact that I’ve had to share with my family — who are not so much COVID naysayers as COVID discussion avoiders — is the death of Colin Powell from COVID.

I share this with my family because Colin Powell was the same age as my parents and he had similar pre-existing conditions. And, Colin Powell just also happened to be a strong military general who was also Secretary of State.

My point being — if it can get him, it can get anybody at that age, especially those with pre-existing conditions.

How Did the COVID Testing Go?

Let me quickly share with you how the COVID testing from Amazon works so you’ll know what to expect.

At the moment of this writing, after placing your order, you receive two COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Tests in the package for a cost of $17.98, that’s $8.99 per test.

The tests are very easy to take and deliver the results with about 95% accuracy in 15 minutes.

The Results of Our COVID Testing

I am very happy that we elected to go the route of testing before our Thanksgiving festivities.


The why is simple: we had a positive test with one of the grandchildren who was 15 years of age.

To confirm this, we had her go to Walgreens to do a PCR test for verification and, sure enough, she had COVID and was completely asymptomatic.

Fortunately, we averted what could have been a catastrophe.

If you’d like to do the same, get your home COVID tests here.

Story originally published on December 17th, 2021 | Amazon Affiliate Disclosure

