Sir Rat
14 min readOct 15, 2019


47 Life Lessons. Life changing.

The point form version. 47 of the most important lessons the butterflies have taught me. Why the butterfly… The moment I started to feel the rain, show up in my own life, look and actually see; all I saw everywhere was my spirit animal… The butterfly. They have lifted me up and shown me all to be possible.

I have kept this short as possible and it is a snippet slash subsection of a much larger collection of works.. A larger article, I mean book…. Well journal, which I hope to put together into a life changing book.

The dream is to have my collected works all in one book carrying the title :

Perpetual homelessness”
The tale of counterintuitivity
The bearded gurus biography, autobiography; his 47 lifes lessons and the comprehensive guide to everything... Well almost everything. Something. Perhaps nothing.

As my father used to say: “Dis min maar dis in".

You shall be receiving these 47 life changing lessons that I have managed to gather during my journey. This has taken me a life time of trials, testing, some successful and many many (Not exaggerating, if anything down playing this point) failures. I had once said to my father: “Please let me make my own mistakes and learn, I dont just want to follow your advice blindly.” And boy did I make mistakes. I am the person that will try something many different ways and take photos when someone says it cant be done.

This is a tried and tested list and it is your full prerogative whether you adhere or take note of anything mentioned… Use it, dont use it, you have however read this far. As such I instruct you to finish reading it, more than that finish reading it and give me a clap.

Got it, get it, good, great, with a dash of speed please. I am not arrogant at all, I am well balanced with a chip on both my shoulders. Enough riff raffing,let’s proceed to the gift of.47.

I will be upfront and admit writing is not a strength of mine and not is my splellign abilities something to gloat about. As such I ask for forgiveness upfront, knowing full well that I am asking for forgiveness which is often alot easier to obtain than permission…

I am beginning with what I consider to be the most important. This is a sublist is my list and the sub list is not purely more important, however it does have a greater bearing or impact or importance in my life.

There will not be a sub list of the sub list of the final.greater list of sub lists…. Just one sub list does exist… we should call it “Bob’s list".


  • Most powerful person really doesnt give a turd… well tiny turds yes
  • Feel the rain, dont just get wet.

    Product of your thoughts
  • Great sex, mindblowing sex is a MUST. . . Not a nicety. A must! If You have not experienced this you,you may not see the significance or consider as part of Bob’s list. Please do however trust me on this.
  • It is the small things that count. They are Very and I mean important. When alone or thinking back it’s what you remember. It’s what you miss most about a person. So show up and make it count. Make every second count. We dont have time and a big mistake is thinking we have it. There is no better time than now to send that letter saying ‘I appreciate you’. Or a moment to smile, or to make coffee for your colleague without them asking. You get me right?
  • Be vulnerable to your person. Fully, not half assed. Be afraid and trust them. In order to experience life and to live you are to open up and place what you hold dearest to you to your person. Feel exposed to them and I am telling you you will feel alive.
  • Never take advice from people who don’t have to live with the consequences!
  • Love unconditionally, feel it. Not just know about it. Go all in. Give it your all. Dont be half dead or a quarter pregnant. As Mark Manson says it’s either Fck Yes or hell no. Nothing inbetween. Don’t give another man a chance to make your lady smile .
  • Date your best friend, how can your person not be your bestie.
  • Be inquisitive and remain the eternal student. Question everything, nothing is as is just because. Yes I am telling you to ask WHY…
  • Everybody is screwed and generally hustling through life. You are not special so do not woe for me. NOBODY is coming to save you. You are your own responsibility. So wake up and start fixing. Best way to do something is to DO IT.
  • Dont judge a book by the chapter you came in on.

The list of 47 continued

It’s the lazy people that have great inventions. And if you ever want something done give it to a busy person.

  • There is a power greater than you, accept it.
  • You do not have to be right always. Learn that sometimes you may be wrong. Is it always worth arguing and what’s the outcome of being correct. I.e. what are you looking to achieve.
  • If it scares you, do it. Unless it’s running onto oncoming traffic shouting chicken.
  • Karma and paying it forward does exist . The universe observes. And blood money is really a thing.
  • Be there and be reliable. Show up.
  • Dogs are not kids and kids are not dogs. It’s important to recycle water bottles however, sometimes the issue is bigger than ot warrants and bugger issue do exist. Put all into perspective and dont loose sight of the important issues. Also learn to pick your battles.
  • Be silent. Listen. Know.
  • Fine line between passion and obsession, disease of more.
  • Prime numbers continue forever... Who really cares?
  • Fake it til you make it, sometimes.
  • If they gossip to you, they’ll gossip about you
  • Do it tomorrow, manage expectations because you know what….Nobody is gonna die.
  • Rome wasn’t built in a day even though it looks like it. Speaking of Rome, when in Rome...
  • Kurt Darren vs Marilyn Manson. Be open to all experiences. If not illegal or harming anything it anyone. Try it. Experience life.
  • Don’t broadcast your relationship, anything, everything and something should be holy and held dearly by the two in the relationship. Talk and talk openly to each other. Once everyone knows that Koos your hubby is a doos, then what happens when you have rose coloured glasses on again are back together again. It is also unfair for Koos to now face everyone and prove himself especially when the dispute was with you only. This holds true unless Koos was a big doos and is now in jail or you are beyond reconciliation.
  • Chivalry’ woman love it. It is alive and well. And in all honesty men are clever… When we say… After you miss... Men: “Now that I’ve seen you front… let me check out your ass…. “. Sneaky buggers.
  • Men are visually stimulated whereas woman are mentally stimulated. You done see men walking around reading hustlers or some other porno magazine. So woman in the same breath you should not carry your porn around and read 50 shades openly. It is the exact same and has the same impact on the consumer and belittles the other sex the same. Hollywood and or 50 shades really does not portray BDSM in the correct light. In fact it is so far from the actuality of people living the lifestyle. Do not believe everything you are shown or consume.
  • Cliches can be true. And this is more true than often people realise….I want never gets
  • Curiosity killed the cat, dog, mouse and turtle.
  • You teach people how to treat you, and you provide the permission.
  • So what about loyalty, live with integrity only. Integrity. Do what you say and say what you do.
  • Save that 20cents, Tomorrow’s you will thank the you of today.
  • work and obtain something you appreciate MUCH more if it’s been earned. And the price was paid.
  • Practice gratitude. Live with gratitude. Show gratitude. Share gratitude. Be grateful.
  • Be the secret giver, boast or show off and you may as well have kept that car for yourself.
  • Blood isn’t thicker than water , well maybe in liquid form it could be. I’m not a scientist.
  • Penny wise and pound foolish. Think about the Beeeeg picture.
  • Pleasure. What would make you feel good? Do what is easy to do…. Remember the gratitude.
  • Procrastination is like masterbation… Hmmmm Feels so good. I meant to say either way you skrewing yourself. Is it that bad and what about the stress monster. Panic monster and instant gratification monkey (Love this, I may need to ask for permission. Ted talk, um…. I’ll.ask later. Google it).
  • Follow the butterflies. Wholeheartedly! It could be Chickens. Ducks or Dragonflies. Whatever it is, listen and see, open your heart and be receptive to whatever. Do not limit your expectations.
  • Freedom of choice, but responsible for thr consequence. And often rights are mistaken and should be seen as privileges. Nobody and I mean nobody should have a sense that they deserve it. It must be earned.
  • Best way to get something done is to do it . Get up and do it and do it now.
  • To cool down after gym take a cold shower.
  • Nobody likes woe for me and victim mentality, we all did it and do it so you can, now move it. Nobody will come to do it for you or save you. People often rely on you so buck up.
  • Tough conversations are tough at first but really are the best way and shows true commitment.
  • FY eleventy 1. What?
  • Man in the glass , such a great poem. A must read for everyone

The Man In The Glass

Peter Dale Wimbrow Sr.

When you get what you want in your struggle for self
And the world makes you king for a day
Just go to the mirror and look at yourself
And see what that man has to say.

For it isn’t your father, or mother, or wife
Whose judgment upon you must pass
The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the one staring back from the glass.

He’s the fellow to please – never mind all the rest
For he’s with you, clear to the end
And you’ve passed your most difficult, dangerous test
If the man in the glass is your friend.

You may fool the whole world down the pathway of years
And get pats on the back as you pass
But your final reward will be heartache and tears
If you’ve cheated the man in the glass.

  • Religion is an amazing for of unity however it can be the devil’s greatest friend. There is no such thing as a perfect church… if there was it would not be perfect the minute I arrived. Be quiet and know.
  • Talk to yourself, you should love yourself and be your own best bud. Ask yourself questions and most importantly do not lie to yourself… oh and your doctor or lawyer.
  • Counter-intuitive lessons, so many of these. Like tons. Always question as the answer isn’t always obvious.
  • Always think the big picture and consider the role players. Your actions and words no matter how small affects someone or something in someway somehow.
  • I want to know God’s thoughts, the rest is banana juice. Materiality, looks great in heaven. And who wants a hundred virgins…
  • Can you skip a stone? Everyone should have tried to skip the perfect skip.
  • If you want the flower to grow, water it. If you want to loose weight stop eating. If you want to pass an exam study. If you want a salary work. Get up and do it. Even if you move an inch it’s more than the person doing nothing. Never stop moving.
  • Lessons from Julius and Jacob , that’s Julius Malema and Jacob Zuma. Yes they humourous at best but they are the very few that know policies and understand the people. Judge nobody and learn from everyone.
  • Multi-potentialite, Huh. And also an Ambivert. Those are fantastic terms. Multipotentiality is a term referring to the ability and preference of a person, particularly one of strong intellectual or artistic curiosity, to excel in two or more different fields.[1][2]
    It can also refer to an individual whose interests span multiple fields or areas, rather than being strong in just one. Such traits are called multipotentialities, while "multipotentialites" has been suggested as a name for those with this trait.
    By contrast, those whose interests lie mostly within a single field are called "specialists."
  • 1 plus 1 equals 3, absolutely.
  • Ghosts, aliens and donkeys. So real,or not so real. We would be foolish to not believe and at the same time foolish to blindly believe. The universe is so vast. Does it really even matter.
  • The brave part of Suicide and who is the judge of me. Forgiving knowing they did what the thought was best at the time. And if they had any other choice would they still choose that. It’s not a choice that you wake up one day and think. Hmmm maybe I should off me.
  • Nobody and noone is intentioally out to skrew you. You are not that important. Get off your high horse. Also you do not have the power to control everyone’s emotions. Stop playing God.
  • Back to great sex, explore great Orgasms and bdsm, let’s like it to trust. Know that trust comes before obedience ALWAYS.
  • What are the 11 scout laws and Why is the 19th hole so popular?
  • Gentlemen rules and awesome set of principles do exit. Guys buck up.
  • Monogamy and infidelity. Who is right and who is to judge. Why do we cheat?
  • Those that teach can’t do.
  • Is honesty is over-rated?
  • We think about addiction incorrectly. Once again counterintuitivity… Think Portugal, legalise to reduce usage instead of criminalise.
  • I thought you said 47, oh wow whos counting.
  • Horses are stupid, stand and get ridden on demand. Wait, um ok letting that go.
  • Picture is NOT worth a thousand words.
  • How to become rich books…. Hmmm why are they trying to make money like this and why are they not billionaires.
  • There is no such thing as a free lunch. If it seems too good to be true it most probably is. And if it promises a get rich quick, it’s a ponsie or pyramid scheme.
  • Perfectly imperfect, believe and embrace it. Love for what they are and not what you want them to be.
  • Too many choices, lead to no choice.
  • Marriage if not careful is perfectly designed to kill relationships. Dont settle , why does marriage lead to complacency often. Never start taking anything for granted. Once you have hooked a partner it doesnt mean they wont break free. So dont let yourself go. Woe them and date them continuously.
  • Nothing is certain, I lie. Death and pooing is. Not everything is cast in stone.
  • Self love and lots of it. Both physical and emotionally.
  • People thinking about you 20s 30s 40s
  • Who moved my cheese, or wife and house. You know your an addict when you have lost a decade.
  • Everyone has a different reality. So respect it.
  • Do the best they can . ALWAYS . And be grateful for the opportunity. Often you have one shot. Luck is being in the tight place and being ready to cease the opportunity. Like an older golfer said: “The more you practice the luckier you get". So get up and do it. Practice and do your best.
  • Forgive but remember. Never forget the lesson… EVER
  • Celebrate the wins... all of the wins, tiny and ginormous. Not only celebrate take time to enjoy and be proud of them.
  • Cremate, and chuck away. Why the funeral? Why the burden.
  • Yes you can be too late and yes there is a such a thing as a stupid question.
  • So long and thank you for the fish.
  • Conspiracy theory does exist and can easily consume you.
  • I want never gets….When you’re too busy aiming for it, you miss the moments in front of you
    It’s one of those lines we throw out casually: “I want to spend more ‘quality time’... ” whether it’s with friends, with family, with your kids, or with yourself.
    While the phrase certainly comes from a good place, there’s a disconnect: The perfectionist side of our brain, fueled by movies and Instagram, wants everything to be special, to be “right.” But that’s an ideal that the busy, ordinary, doing-the-best-we-can versions of ourselves can’t always live up to.
    The result? An inevitable sense of disappointment. We feel awful for the deficiency, so out of guilt, we plan elaborate vacations. We project enormous expectations and pressure on ourselves. We think “Oh, if only I had more money, or a better job, or lived in France where the child care benefits were different, then I could be happy.”
    That’s not fair. And it’s also damaging.
    The reason is that there is no such thing as “quality time.” Jerry Seinfeld, who has three teenage kids, put it well:
    “I’m a believer in the ordinary and the mundane. These guys that talk about ‘quality time’ — I always find that a little sad when they say, ‘We have quality time.’ I don’t want quality time. I want the garbage time. That’s what I like. You just see them in their room reading a comic book and you get to kind of watch that for a minute, or [having] a bowl of Cheerios at 11 o’clock at night when they’re not even supposed to be up. The garbage, that’s what I love.”
    To be fair, Seinfeld is the master of the mundane. Banality has made him a near-billionaire. But there is a deeper truth to what he’s getting at. Special days? Nah. Every day is special. Every minute can be “quality time.”
    There is only the present.”
    When you realize there is no such thing as “quality time,” when you become okay with “garbage time,” you end up getting the best kind of time there is. You get the moment right in front of you.
  • Lost in the detail. Simplicity.
  • Everyone has something to teach you and often alot more than you expect.
  • Vibrations off the pawns in the greater scheme of something.
  • Leading the Dodo to food, yet its extinct. Why.
  • Perception is to please people now, it is so important kt outweighs any sort of work or value add. You can sit at your desk for 8 hours and you will be seen to add more value than someone who works 16 hours but starts late. People believe what they see. So pretend you working and you shall climb the ladder. This is however promoting short term gains vs integrity and long term achievements. In the end you worth will be measured by what you ultimately produced and your integrity in doing so. You cannot get away by doing nothing even when everyone thinks you are doing everything.
  • Yes that outfit makes you look fat and again Is honesty overated.
  • Be where you are always. Learning to accept what is most difficult, can be one of the most trying learning experiences of our lives. There are things that we think we will never be able to get past. These might be hurts we cannot imagine healing from, or anger we can’t imagine letting go of.
    However, if we can learn what it means to be accepting, to let things go and move forward, we could find peace, and a huge weight lifted off of us. This is one of the most important gifts you give yourself. You are exactly where you are meant to be I this exact moment.
  • Take it all or just one or two.points. I really am grateful for this opportunity to expand and possible take out ot put in. I’m grateful that I get the chance to collaborate and that I was born in the times of the internet. Well, internet and libraries and boys scouts… the last of Gen X

For the more observant, I will premt the comment or question… No the list is not limited to 47 points. So why 47? It makes no sense. In all honesty does it have to and so what there are bigger donkeys to sell out there.

This list was both hard to contain and by no means is it complete. It’s a fluid, dynamic and ever evolving… My metamorphosis… Similar to that beautiful Caterpillar I once stood on by mistake.


Sir R



Sir Rat

The cautiously extroverted multipotetialite with two little rats that keep him gratefully occupied while during the day I'm the fortune teller of finance. 47 FY