Why do the three Baltic countries hate Russia so much?

13 min readAug 26, 2024

The reasons for the disintegration of the Soviet Union are extremely diverse and complex.

But it is certain that the intricate ethnic issues are one of the fuses that ignited its collapse.

When it comes to the ethnic issues of the Soviet Union, we have to focus on the “Baltic Three Countries” represented by Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

So the question is, why do the three Baltic countries hate the Soviet Union so much?

1) The three Baltic countries (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) and Russia

1) The “forced annexation” of the three Baltic countries by the Soviet Union

After entering the 13th century, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in the Baltic region. They successively established their own nation-states.

Especially Lithuania, in the hundreds of years after its founding, has always been a force that cannot be ignored in Europe.

However, with the strong expansion of Tsarist Russia, by the 19th century, the three countries were all incorporated into the territory…




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