A Prayer for Christ-Centered Living

Pastor Rich Bitterman
2 min readNov 8, 2023
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Heavenly Father,

“I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.”

Lord, help me to have the same perspective in my own life, treasuring the knowledge of You above all else.

I admit that, at times, I have allowed worldly distractions and selfish ambitions to pull me away from the path of righteousness.

I want to forget what is behind and strain toward what is ahead, pressing on towards the goal to win the prize for which You have called me in Christ Jesus.

Heavenly Father, I humbly request the strength and perseverance to keep running this race of faith with endurance.

I know that the ultimate prize is the eternal life that comes through Jesus Christ, and I long to grasp it fully.

I also acknowledge, Lord, that I am far from perfect.

I have made mistakes and fallen short of your glory.

But I am comforted that my righteousness comes from faith in Christ.

Thank you for your grace and forgiveness that allow me to be justified through faith in your Son.

Help me, I want to know you more intimately, to experience the power of your resurrection in my life, and to share in your sufferings as a part of my spiritual journey.

As I conclude this prayer, I ask for Your guidance and wisdom to discern what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and of good repute.

Help me to focus my thoughts on these things and to live a life that reflects your love and grace to others.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Originally published at http://4foldlove.wordpress.com on November 8, 2023.



Pastor Rich Bitterman

Offering Daily Christian Encouragement✨ Senior Pastor at Cedar Ridge Baptist Church in Galena, MO