Daily Devotions

The True Gospel Message

Galatians 1:11–12

Pastor Rich Bitterman
2 min readSep 30, 2022


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Vigilance is the price of your freedom. As Christians, the Bible is the standard of truth we use when evaluating the gospel message. Paul warns to separate the message from the messenger.

“For I would have you know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel which was preached by me is not of human invention. For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ,” (Galatians 1:11–12 NASB).

You can take comfort that Paul is certain of the true gospel message. He is positive of this truth by making it clear that he knows he is right.

No man invented Christ or the work accomplished by the cross. It did not come from tradition or learned from a teacher in a classroom. The gospel is not from human origin. God revealed it.

Paul’s mission and message came directly to him from Jesus. In fact, Paul never even had the opportunity to learn this truth from human lips. It was personally revealed. It’s not really Paul’s message, it is Christ’s.

These verses were written to be helpful to us. Only the Bible corrects error. If a messenger claims truth that cannot be backed by Scripture, then they are a false teacher. Leave them.

Be careful which you church you attend. There are perhaps thousands of church in America that have a Biblical statement of faith, but preach a false gospel. History teaches us that no church is immune from this possibility. Weigh the message friends.



Pastor Rich Bitterman

Offering Daily Christian Encouragement✨ Senior Pastor at Cedar Ridge Baptist Church in Galena, MO