The Debate About Which Country Has The Best Police Force In The World Is Open!

Osei Agyemang
5 min readOct 8, 2019


I know this sounds incredibly bias, but many people think the US police is the best, if not one of the best police forces in the world.
Of course, each country will offer its police as the best in the world, but how do we measure actions to explain everything?

This is a rather unclear question to answer with a degree of accuracy, because the effectiveness or efficiency of police agents can be measured in many subjective ways and by many different statistics. About 90% of crime experts believe that the police department with the least reported violations is the most effective and efficient. This also depends on the type of population a country is treating. With more people in the community, crime tends to increase too. So, if the police use a different style of strategy to maintain order, they are clearly at the top of their game.

According to the British, their police model is still the same as when it was founded by Sir Robert Peel. To the Brits, the people are the cops and cops are the people.

In other words, everyone is concerned about the operation of the service. Thanks to this belief, British police services have the support of the majority of the community. So they remain largely unarmed. They believe that they are more responsible than other police services in the world because they are not paramilitary forces. The traditional uniform of the British Police Department (BPS) is famous all over the world, because it not only excels in the field but also looks good. BPS is known for using minimal power because they are not political power. They believe that they are the most transparent police in the world.

Interestingly, BPS claims that some of the best police forces in the world, including Australia, New Zealand and Canada, only rely on the British police system of operations, that's why they are good at their jobs.

However, others believe that the New York Police Department (NYPD) is the largest and effective station in the world. It stands as a candidate for the most effective department. The department introduced a new approach to the police a few years ago, which enforced minor violations violently and the results were extraordinary. The number of registered crimes has plummeted and the Office's reputation has increased.

Meanwhile, other schools of thought don't think the NYPD should be on the list. They even doubt that the US should even make it into the top ten in terms of efficiency. This is due to duplication of work resulting from the presence of more than 18,000 police departments in the United States.

The UK has around 28 agents; Canada has several hundred. Both in the UK and Canada, all police enforce the same national criminal law. In the United States, each state has its own laws which may or may not duplicate federal laws. Americans demand local control and pay the price in the form of separate leadership, political leadership, recruitment operations, fleet of vehicles and other obstacles that are unique to each law enforcement agency.

On the other hand, the Germans are also certain that their police are the most efficient in the world. They think that their law enforcement agents are better than other authorities particularly the US. However, some Americans think that this is an unfounded argument. In this case, police services from the two countries have completely different cultures, different topics and different laws.

There are nearly 800,000 police officers in the United States. In a country with a large population of nearly 600 people being shot dead by the police, is no big deal. After my research on Quora, a platform where ideas, questions and answers are collected by respected and intelligent individuals, it is unlikely that such situation will occur in Germany or the UK.

What could be the reason for the mistaken killings by most police forces?

I tend to think of this unexpected situation as something that can happen to anyone during official duties, so what's the big fuss about it? Yes, it may be disheartening but this is a situation that might occur unexpectedly, so you have no choice but to "fire".

Back to the original question. Why do these unexpected killings occur?

First, the poorly trained Special Weapons and Tactics Team (SWAT) is a big problem.

Second, lack of training, especially firearms training. Police who are not familiar with their tools (including weapons) often abuse them. When the police face these challenges, the armed forces do not even have to qualify as the best police department.

Statistically, over the past 24 years, US police have shot more people than police in England and Wales in the same number of years. According to the British Advocacy group INQUEST, 55 fatal police shootings occurred between 1990 and 2014 in England and Wales - in total. This is not comparable to the US, because the US population is around six times the size of England and Wales.

Speaking to a Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) official, he said: During his thirty-three-year career in law enforcement, in many cases he faced armed confrontations with officials who did their best to avoid firing someone, sometimes a clear reason is given for that.

At present, because citizens commit fewer crimes every year, US prosecutions have increasingly militarized around the world since 9/11. In fact, cases of excessive violence or "tactics of victimization of other civil rights" increased by 25% between 2001 and 2007.

Besides the many talks about the abovementioned countries, Iceland also see themselves in the picture. Because of its effectiveness, Iceland also believes that they deserve to be one of the best police forces in the world. This claim is based on the fact that there has been only one deadly shootout by Icelandic police in 71 years of the country's history.

Elsewhere, the German Police University came to the conclusion in 2011 and 2012 that six people were killed in 2011 and seven in 2012 by the police.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Canada, Scotland Yard - London, INTERPOL, LAPD-US, Australian Victoria police are all police departments naturally at the top of their game and each participant believes that his own country deserves first place as the unique police service in the world. Every participant in the debate believes that his country has the most transparent and fair police service in the world.

How about you, my new reader? Is the police in your country extraordinary? Share your comments !!



Osei Agyemang

Osei Agyemang is a passionate creative writer/ editor with a zeal for creating exciting contents. Osei is also a tourism ambassador.