An Ode To Laravel

Rich Klein
2 min readFeb 7, 2022


In honor of the free Laracon online event this week, here’s a short poem highlighting some of my favorite things about Laravel. Spoiler: Laravel is so much more than just a PHP framework; it’s an empowering tool and welcoming community for thousands of developers around the world — in pursuit of their dreams.

A person using a computer (with a Laravel logo) while sitting on top of the mountain.

A long time ago, in PHP far away.
Taylor felt frameworks had wandered astray.
It was back in a time when CodeIgniter was king;
Zend Framework and Kohana were both still a thing.

He started his research and reached out on some forums,
Then released version one, with barely a quorum.
Nine months and three versions; real traction was gaining;
Jeffrey even left NetTuts to help with the training.

Fast forward ten years, it’s changed the lives of so many;
Startups and businesses, webdevs aplenty.
It’s a framework for artisans, expressive and clean.
Full-stack, opinionated; elegant, and clean.

Models, views, controllers in the blink of an eye.
With Breeze or Jetstream, you’re app’s ready to fly.
Use the command line or Sail, it’s an easy install.
From indies to enterprises, there’s something for all.

Docs so meticulously detailed, they read like a book.
Spend just a few minutes, you’ll be instantly hooked.
There’s an ecosystem of tools, the best I have found.
The quality of code is simply profound.

Your developer experience always comes first.
Coding without Laravel is truly the worst!
An awesome community, come one and come all.
Laravel is truly the anchor of TALL.



Rich Klein

Writer of things. Mostly technical, sometimes not. A few poems sprinkled into the lot.