The Crunch is Upon Us.

Richard Lowenthal
14 min readJun 20, 2022

Welcome to the Sinister World of the REAL “Upside-Down”

A cult-like ‘alternative reality’ is deceiving and wrecking America.

Photo by Ruan Richard Rodrigues on Unsplash

I distinctly remember being in my 20s and writing a short essay/poem called “The Crunch”. My own writing scared me; it was just a brief paragraph, but it was also a potent prophetic vision. The first line was: “The crunch is upon us”.

As you can imagine, with a title like that, “The Crunch” wasn’t exactly a pleasant vision. Though I was going through some major changes at the time, I wasn’t really a pessimist or ‘extremist’. So this writing was quite out of character for me, since I usually didn’t indulge in apocalyptic visions — though I WAS questioning things, a lot, re: our society and the direction of our civilization.

But this vision of mine was… very dark. Though I lost the original writing years ago, the gist of it was that humanity as a whole is still remarkably ignorant and uncivilized, and all our ‘modern’ economic, social, and commercial systems are totally misaligned with the natural world — and all these barbaric and destructive misalignments will inevitably come to awful fruition and come crashing down on us and our world.



Richard Lowenthal

Former counselor and current diligent observer of our sociopolitical scene. I celebrate the spirit AND reason, and try to ‘connect the dots’ in my writing.