The Radar, Rockets, Nukes, Computers, and UAP’s Timeline

Stanton T. Friedman was Right

Richard Geldreich, Jr.
3 min readJan 26, 2024
  1. During WW2: Radar signals first bounced off the Moon in “absolute secrecy” (Dr. Oliver J. Lee, Dearborn Observatory). See here or here. (I’m still trying to find the actual, real date.)

Dr. Donald Menzel made the initial calculations on how to do this in 1941.

  1. June 20, 1944: A V-2 rocket first reached space. Some sources say earlier during the war, depending on how “space” is defined.
  2. Jul. 16, 1945: Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project scientists detonate the Trinity a-bomb. (There were other explosions, like the atomic attacks on Japan. This timeline doesn’t include them all.)
  3. Dec. 10, 1945: ENIAC Electronic Computer. The first programmable, electronic, all-purpose digital computer, announced around Feb. 14, 1946.
  4. June 30, 1946 and July 24, 1946: The “Able” and “Baker” atomic tests (part of Operation Crossroads)
  5. Oct. 10, 1946: Radar first used to detect meteors (see the Giacobini-Zinner meteor shower). Note a large amount of UAP reports were collected by the BSRA in Southern California during this meteor shower.
  6. Oct. 24, 1946: A V-2 rocket takes the first photo from space
First Photo Taken from Space on a V-2

8. Jun.-Jul. 1947: All hell breaks loose over 40+ states, Mexico, and Canada. The Roswell crashes occured sometime in early July. The first announcement was on July 8, 1947. key phrase histograms. Both phrases (“flying discs” and “flying saucers”) massively spiked starting late June, 1947:

“flying disc”
“flying saucer”

A daily histogram of the Hatch UAP event database records for June 15, 1947 to July 31, 1947:

Notice the peak: July 7, 1947: 1 day before the Roswell announcement on July 8, 1947.

1947 spike, from “DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS — USAF CHAPTER XXXIII — UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS”, Edited by, Major Donald G. Carpenter, Lt. Colonel Edward R. Therkelson (or his obit here):

Daily hits for various period-common UAP related phrases, between June 26, 1947-July 31, 1947. (There were none before June 26, 1947 in their database for that month.)

Daily hits for key phrases, snapshot on 2/6/2024

Totals for this graph:

  • “flying saucer”: 13,089
  • “flying disc”: 6,679
  • “flying disk”: 1,943
  • “mystery airplane”: 2

Another graph, from Report of the 1947 UFO Wave by Ted Bloecher and Dr. James E. McDonald (1967) (here’s the report’s chronology):



Richard Geldreich, Jr.

Lover of mysteries, UAP OSINT/history buff, software developer. Mottos: We will never be swampgassed again. See Beyond.