The UAP Coverup is Imploding

Richard Geldreich, Jr.
2 min readFeb 20, 2024


The “Truth Embargo”, which threatens US National Security, is unravelling:

— Intel Whistleblowers: David Grusch (more are coming!)

— Legislation: UAPDA

SCU: Event data analysis over atomic sites

Sol: Dr. Garry Nolan’s metallic debris analysis (isotopes) etc.

2 ex-NASA experts, and others: Mogul balloon launches debunked (which wrecks the US Air Force’s sloppy 1990’s-era Roswell debunk)

Astronomy: Unraveling the “Menzel Gap”, July 1952 transients (Beatriz Villarroel)

Majestic Documents: Chain of custody is being established. See here, here, or here:

“CIA operatives leaked Majestic Documents to Timothy Cooper in the ’90s. They were heavily investigated by the House Select Committee on Assassinations in ’78. Their files are freely accessible in the National Archives for cross-referencing.”

Key names: Boris Zarasoff (“Thomas Cantwheel”), Ann Goodpasture (“Selina”), “Scotty” Miler (“Source S-1”). See files here or here.

— Key NDA’s, such as Wright-Patterson AFB Worker June Crain

— Roswell crash retrieval related legal Affidavits: Affidavit of Sgt. Robert E. Smith, at the US National Archives, USAF Brigadier Gen. Thomas J. DuBose, 1st Lt. Robert Shirkey, Sgt. Robert A. Slusher, at the National Archives, Master Sgt. Robert Porter at the US National Archives, 1st Lt. Walter Haut. (TODO: There’s also a 1953 Kingman related Affidavit.)



Richard Geldreich, Jr.

Lover of mysteries, UAP OSINT/history buff, software developer. Mottos: We will never be swampgassed again. See Beyond.