William (Bill) G. Uhouse’s Marine Corps Service Verified

Richard Geldreich, Jr.
3 min readSep 14, 2022


William G. Uhouse — Evening Times, Sayre, PA

Another military UFO (or “UAP” if you’re too squeamish to handle “UFO” yet) whistleblower was named William (Bill) George Uhouse, born April 25, 1925 in Carteret, NJ. He died on May 29, 2009.

His testimony is all over the web and in the “Disclosure” book, but nobody has sat down and done the research to validate the basics of his story, such as his military service, or whether the company he mentioned existed. With everything we need available online for very modest subscription fees, this sort of research is almost trivial. Any high school student could do this with a Chromebook in their spare time.

He said he worked at Wright Patterson AFB doing experimental flight-testing. He claimed to have worked on flying disc simulators. Here’s an interview with him:

Same interview, an alternative URL:

Here’s his Disclosure Project testimony from October 2000, scanned from the physical “Disclosure” book from 2001:

William G. Uhouse Testimony

The key statement of his, which we can attempt to verify: “I spent 10 years in the Marine Corps, and 4 years working with the Air Force as a civilian doing experimental testing on aircraft since my Marine Corps days.”

His public family tree is already on ancestry.com (just search for “William G. Uhouse” born 1925):

William G. Uhouse from ancestry.com

Here’s the newspaper clip about his reenlistment in the US Marine Corps:

The Tampa Times — March 3, 1949

Here’s another newspaper hit from 1953. It’s a total genealogical bonanza because it mentions his father’s name (Michael Uhouse) and wife’s name (“Dorothy”, full name Dorothy Jeanette Putnam). It also mentions his wife’s father’s name (Israel Putnam) and his sister’s name (Sayre). We can compare this info against his ancestry.com tree, which was constructed from numerous public records recorded in ancestry.com’s vast databases. It’s definitely him. We’ve got our man.

The Evening Times, Sayre, PA — March 30, 1953

On fold3.com I found this military record: Navy Muster Rolls, 1952, Ship VERMILLION, service #392375/1341. The document has the title “Service Company, 2d Engineer Battalion, 2d Marine Division, FMF, In the Field”. Here’s the URL to the actual record if you have a subscription.

Military Record for Sgt. William G. Uhouse from fold3.com

Here’s his WW2 draft registration card. (Here’s the fold3 URL if you’re a subscriber.)

His veteran's gravesite info from fold3.com:

William George Uhouse’s Vetrans Gravesite Info

He worked at “Link Aviation” (see this article):

Link Aviation was an aircraft simulator manufacturer, founded in 1929. There are numerous newspaper clips in the record about this company. Here’s one from Feb. 1959 (also see this):

Article about Link Aviation from 1959



Richard Geldreich, Jr.

Lover of mysteries, UAP OSINT/history buff, software developer. Mottos: We will never be swampgassed again. See Beyond.