Why should you apply for OceanEx Pilot Whale?

3 min readAug 12, 2019


Back in 2017 I didn't had that much knowledge of crypto in general. I was familiar with investing in stockmarkets. 2017 bullrun got me attracted. After finding the perfect project, without getting worried about my investments, I started looking for a way to contribute. How to contribute without technical knowledge? How can I use my skills to help crypto moving forward? OceanEx provided me everything I needed, support from the team, personal assistance and a lot of feedback to become even better. Thank you OceanEx!

I am used to work hard and very commited to reach goals. Willing to do what it takes and achieve certain goals. It requires discipline. When you keep thinking in problems instead of solutions, you will make it harder on yourself. Start to think differently. What can you do to solve it yourself? You can’t control things that are out of your hands!

OceanEx did launch two Pilot Whale recruit programs untill today. It has been a crazy ride so far. Being part of the development, witnessing all the progress , actively contribute in a way you feel comfortable with, within your reach and capabilities can make a person develop tremendously. Getting support, a comfortable feeling and be part of the team is so important to create a good atmosphere. OceanEx offers the full package. Currently we have a very diversified team of Pilot Whales with different experiences on all facets of the blockchain industry. Discussions, learning sessions, sharing experiences is something that happens every day and it keeps on going. We are there to support eachother and help wherever possible.

It was the best decision I have ever made so far. Without the real technical knowledge, growing so fast to a point where you can actually mean something. This reply is one of the most common I got so far:" I have no experience, I dont know how, What do you expect from me?" Ask yourself these questions first because my answer is very clear: What can WE do to help you achieve your goal?

Are you a teamplayer? Do you like to be part of our team? Are you willing to learn and spend some free time? Let us help you! Sign up the Pilot Whale program and we will find out what suits you best! Besides the personal development, you will also enjoy some nice specialized benefits in return. More information about The Pilot Program and application form can be found here.

Kind regards, Richie

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