Résumés Are Dead and What to Do About It (Full Text from the #1 Bestselling eBook by Richie Norton)

Richie Norton
21 min readNov 12, 2015
Resumes Are Dead (Cover) — Download This eBook and a Free 37-Page Action Guide at www.RichieNorton.com/76DayChallenge

I live on the North Shore of Oahu and have always wanted to visit New York City. I never had a reason to go until I read about a publishing seminar with Seth Godin (bestselling author and most influential business blogger in the world). I bought a ticket and set up my travel arrangements to arrive a day early so that I could get acclimated to the time zone and stark temperature change. I also booked the earliest flight possible so I’d have plenty of time to see the sights.

I braved the cold and visited Times Square, saw the Statue of Liberty, rode the subway (what an adventure), visited Ground Zero (life-changing experience), and walked through beautiful, snowy Central Park. When I arrived at the Empire State Building (one of my life’s mini-dreams), I was presented with two tourist experience options: the standard trip to the observation deck, where they filmed the famous scene from Sleepless in Seattle, or I could pay an additional $15 fee to go just a few flights higher.

Like most people I’d imagine, I thought, Why would I pay more just to go a little higher? But I figured since I’d already invested so much time, effort, and money to get all the way to New York in the first place, I might as well pay a few dollars more to go to the tippy top.



Richie Norton

AUTHOR | ADVISOR | ENTREPRENEUR — Download Your FREE 37-Page Action Guide to Turn Your STUPID Idea into Your SMART Reality: www.RichieNorton.com/76DayChallenge