How Insulation machines save your money and increase your comfort

Richie Robinson
3 min readJan 10, 2015


It is really very important to insulate every wall of your house because this insulation will prevent warm or cool air from going or coming in of the house. For this all you need to have is an insulation machine. If you are going to insulate your house, then you have blow in insulation as a great way. The very concept behind blow in insulation is using the power or pressure of air pockets. A insulation machines are used in order to cut up and then fluff micro strands of fibre-glass air pockets are then trapped in the fibres and protect you house from heat coming inside from external environment.

Benefits of Installing Insulation Machines

One of the most benefits of using insulation machines is a big amount of electricity if your house walls/attics are well insulated. Who cares what the weather is outside; your house is still cozy even if you are using an air conditioning unit or a room heater. Thus, no more suffering from heavy electricity bills as long as your house is having insulation. Thus we can say that well and properly insulated attic will surely increase in your comfort and also it saves a lot of money.

Types of Insulation Machines

There are various types of blowing insulation machines with various features. Each type of machine contains some standard components (the blower, the hose, hopper and the engine). Some more details are there about types of the insulation machine.

1. Professional or commercial grade

2. Lower capacity

Professional or commercial grade Insulation

This blowing insulation machine has huge capacity with huge duty materials. All of these professional or commercial grade insulation machines might force in around 85 -135 bags per hour. Among those, some types of insulation blowers having materials that is odor-free, noncorrosive and non-combustible. Some types of blowing insulation machines do not contain any type of chemicals causing mildew or bacteria..

These commercial blowers are enormous in shape and size. Some of these machines are having a giant dimension of around 6 feet by 5 feet with a weight approximately 1,500 pounds. The cost for these huge machines is around $16,000. Nevertheless, these blowers are very easy and efficient to use in case you are doing work on a big construction.

Lower capacity Insulation blowing Machine

If a blower that costs thousands of dollars and doesn’t suit your pocket, in this case you are suggested to consider using a insulation machine that contains lower capacity. Such blowing insulation machines cost much cheaper. Thus these are deal for each low-budget company.

These lower capacity blowers are also quite light weight when compared to commercial grade ones. A very typical lower capacity blower weighs around 300 pounds.


You can save a good amount if you install Blowing insulation by yourself, rather than get installed this machine by some professionals. If you don’t want to buy then you can rent a blowing machine from any company. These blowing machines are available in market with various safety features and these features make it safe and easy to use. At the time of Insulating your typical attic in your house will not take more than roughly 80 minutes, and you don’t have any other curing process but letting the micro dust particles settle. You don’t need to worry about how to find the insulating machines and blowing insulation material because it is easily available in the market (home improvement stores) or there are many companies available online in your local area.

For best deal, highly rated customer service and additional info about key features of the insulation machines and vacuums, please visit Make a call right away to representative of website.

