From dynamic to static

9 min readMar 17, 2018

Converting a classic Wordpress hosted website to a high-tech jekyll cloud-hosted website.

As long as I’ve read articles on medium, a lot of stories have been about ‘the cloud’. But I still don’t see a lot of documentation of people moving the most popular usage of the internet to the cloud: Websites.

Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

A couple of years ago I started building a website with a small team in our spare time. We wanted to make sure non-technical people would be able to do most of the editing of the website, so a CMS was a must-have. We thought we’d save ourselves some time by taking the beaten path: Wordpress with a purchased theme. We bought a theme that looked nice and started customizing it. When I opened the theme in my code editor, I stared at a programmers worst nightmare: a full plate of spaghetti code.

We stuck with it, spend months wrestling with the code to make the website do what we want it to do. Some parts were rebuilt, but most of the time we adapted existing code. We got it working, but it cost us a lot of time.

Spaghetti: great on a plate, not so much in your code. source:

The site has been running for a few years without any major problems, but still I have a few annoyances. For instance, adding new features still takes a lot…

