Do Any Aquariums Have Whales?

Richmond Loh
3 min readMay 14, 2023


Aquariums are popular attractions for people who want to learn about marine life and see various aquatic creatures up close. While many aquariums have exhibits that feature fish, turtles, sharks, and other sea creatures, the question remains: do any aquariums have whales?we’ll explore the answer to this question and the controversies surrounding it.

Do Any Aquariums Have Whales

The Debate Surrounding Whale Captivity

Before delving into whether or not any aquariums have whales, it’s important to understand the debate surrounding whale captivity. Many animal rights advocates argue that keeping whales in captivity is cruel and inhumane, as these animals are highly intelligent and social creatures that are used to swimming long distances in the open ocean. They argue that keeping these animals in small tanks deprives them of their natural habitat and can lead to a range of health problems, including stress, illness, and even death.

Despite these concerns, there are still aquariums that have whales, and they argue that their facilities provide important opportunities for people to learn about these magnificent creatures. They argue that they provide excellent care for their animals and that the research they conduct on captive whales can help us better understand these animals and protect them in the wild.

Which Aquariums Have Whales?

There are currently only a handful of aquariums around the world that have whales. The most famous of these is the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, which has a beluga whale exhibit. Beluga whales are small, social whales that are found in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions, and they are the only whales that are currently kept in captivity in aquariums.

Other aquariums that have whale exhibits include the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, which has a number of whale sharks, and the Vancouver Aquarium, which has a captive killer whale named Helen. The Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut also has a beluga whale exhibit, and the SeaWorld chain of amusement parks has a number of captive killer whales.

The Future of Whale Captivity

As the debate over whale captivity continues, it’s unclear whether more aquariums will choose to keep whales in the future. Some aquariums have already phased out their whale exhibits, such as the National Aquarium in Baltimore, which closed its dolphin exhibit in 2019.

As public opinion continues to shift against keeping whales in captivity, it’s possible that more aquariums will follow suit. However, for now, a handful of aquariums continue to offer visitors the chance to see these magnificent creatures up close.


While many aquariums have exhibits that feature a range of aquatic creatures, there are currently only a few aquariums that have whales. The debate over whale captivity is ongoing, and while some argue that these facilities provide valuable educational opportunities, others argue that they are inhumane and cruel. As public opinion shifts on this issue, it remains to be seen whether more aquariums will choose to keep whales in captivity in the future.



Richmond Loh

I'm Richmond Loh, an aquarium enthusiast and passionate aquarist. Follow me for tips on fishkeeping and all things aquatic! #aquarium #fishkeeping #goldfish