A canvas to evaluate the success of digital platform business models

Rick Trojahn
9 min readSep 8, 2019

Last year I did intensive research on digital platforms and digital platform ecosystems and documented my results as part of my master thesis.

I was able to prove that digital platforms can support companies in meeting new customer requirements, whereby usability can be decisive for economic success. Accordingly, I developed a general model with components for the evaluation of digital platforms based on a systematic literature review, which I evaluated from a usability point of view in expert interviews.

As a result, a tool was created to evaluate or adapt new and existing business models of digital platforms.

In the following I show you how I came to my results.

Note: In the course of my work I have identified numerous gaps in research. Of course, I was not able to cover the entire body of literature, but nevertheless I included all relevant and scientifically recognized sources. My research is limited until January 2019, i.e. literature published after that date could not be included anymore.

1. Basic Research

I will spare you the entire literature research process, which I have described…

