Rick Fischer
1 min readOct 3, 2017


Actually, everything you wish for already is the case for those with concealed carry permits. Courses taken and exams passed, competence proven, backgrounds checked. And it works. Scholarship has verified that people with concealed carry permits, as a group, committed fewer crimes of all kinds than even police officers as a group. Done and Done.

Who then is out there killing all those people on a warm weekend in Chicago? It is people who do not have permits to carry, who nevertheless have guns in their pockets. People are not killed in their neighborhoods by gang members and druggies and homeys whose guns are in the drawer at home, but by those whose guns are in their pockets as they prowl the streets.

Which means, they are criminals who are disobeying all existing gun control laws and will disobey any new ones you can concoct.

And yes, I believe the right to defend myself and my family in my home is an inalienable right from Nature’s God. A gun in the home is the best way to do that. I don’t carry my gun unlawfully out onto the street. Those that do account for the vast majority of gun crimes.

