Rick Fischer
1 min readDec 18, 2016


Of course, Erika has no problem with the California Democrat “power grab”. The rules are so distorted in California that both candidates for the Senate were Democrats; no Republican candidate for Senate was even allowed on the ballot.

The districts have been so completely gerrymandered that Republicans have no chance at winning elections. California has had Democrat control of their congress for nearly 50 years. Republicans have had zero say in redistricting for longer than that.

Worse than that, they openly disregard enforcement of election laws. Every non-citizen who holds a driver’s license is automatically registered to vote. California forbids any check on whether anyone showing up at the polls is a non-citizen. California does not check whether the person sending in an absentee ballot is actually the person registered, nor if they are valid to cast a ballot.

And that, friends, is how Trump could lead Hillary in the popular vote in the other 49 states, but lose so big to Hillary in California that that one state could give Hillary a net 2 million vote lead.

For a Democrat to complain about North Carolina is the height of hypocrisy.

