Who Could Not Have Seen That Coming?

Sometimes the consequences of unwise policies are so apparent that when those consequences finally fall hard on the nation, one wonders, who could not have seen that coming?

Rick Fischer
7 min readDec 14, 2018

An easy example, with the clarity of hindsight, is the Great Society reform of welfare in the sixties. The core of it was to peg the size of the welfare check to the number of children in the household, but under the condition, and here is the unwise part, the condition that the father of the children had abandoned the family. There were financial penalties if the father still lived in the home.

The incentive, of course, was to pay the unwed mother to have more children and the fathers to disappear. The consequence was to undermine what until then was the most stable and rock solid family structure in America, the black family. The black family, in my opinion, was heroic. It endured the worst that the Jim Crow society threw at it. But it could not withstand the Great Society’s “generosity”. Who could not have seen that coming?

The Boy Scouts of America were pressured by feminists and gays to allow gay men to be scout leaders. With the result that many parents declined to enroll their young boys into the BSA. Now BSA is going broke defending against lawsuits of sex abuse of young boys in their care. The chain of events is obvious. Who could not have seen that coming?

California’s wealthy elite turn their locales into their own private bastions of privilege, driving up the cost of living to levels that the people who provide the services on which cities depend can no longer afford to live there, or even live within commuting distance. Elites create sanctuaries for illegal criminals, driving up the crime and poverty rates, until thousands of destitute live and crap in the streets.

The wealthy elites who engineer it all completely insulate themselves from all of that. They live in their gated and guarded homes. They buy and raze the homes around them, creating buffer space from their inferiors. All while the surrounding society sinks into a shithole. Who could not have seen that coming?

Whites and Asians and Nigerians are high on the American ladder of success because of their devotion to traditional family values, education, and hard work. Which creates a disparity with those at the bottom of the ladder who reject traditional family values, education and hard work.

How to close that gap? Obvious, just tear down the successful. Declare that their success does not come from traditional family values, education and hard work, but from unearned privilege and oppressing everyone else. Fill the country with brown and black illegal migrants to dilute out whites and Asians. Fill the legal code with legal discrimination against whites and Asians. Create a globalist movement to replace the culture of white majority nations with the cultures of failed nations.

None of that, of course, improves the circumstances of minorities one bit. It simply moves the society toward socialism’s inevitable equality — the equality of misery. And it sets the races against each other. Who could not have seen that coming?

In the sixties, Congress decided to aid college students with their financial burden, so they had the federal government underwrite loans to students made by private banks, to be repaid after graduation. And that went as planned. For a while.

Colleges then caught on that they could raise tuitions much faster than the rate of inflation, and fund all kinds of things that did not improve the students’ education, because the students just rolled it all into their loan.

Compensation packages bloomed, while classroom time for each professor plunged; administration staffing exploded; campuses became little resorts; departments multiplied, covering campuses with Diversity Departments, Women’s Studies, Black Studies, ad infinitum.

Then, the whole program was absorbed by the federal government. Student borrowing came right from the taxpayer, meaning college administration had their hand in the taxpayers’ wallets. Happy days on campus!

Now, student debt is around $1.5 Trillion dollars, and most students can’t pay it off. Who could not have seen that coming?

Give women the power to destroy men with a mere accusation. Degrade the protections of due process and innocent until proven guilty. Deliver the punishments of lost reputation and lost career immediately upon accusation, no proof required. Twist the rules of no-fault divorce to legally strip the husband of the property and children of the marriage.

Now suddenly discover that young men are increasingly reluctant to marry, businesses are reluctant to hire women, executives are not only reluctant to mentor female subordinates, but even to be alone with them in a room. Who could not have seen that coming?

Democrats are openly following a strategy to dilute out America’s whites by opening our nation to unlimited and illegal migration from non-white majority nations. Which coincidently are also the most poverty filled nations, nations with the most official corruption, the worst education, the most crime, whose populations are most addicted to the “free stuff” of Democratic Socialist ideologies. All of which are intimately connected with the fact that they are also the world’s most unsuccessful nations. And all of those cultural values the migrants bring with them into our country.

The Democrat conceit was that they could control and direct those migrants to adopt our American culture and values, and reliably endorse the Democrats rather than the Republicans. Perhaps that might have worked, except they opened the border’s floodgates to such massive quantities of migrants that there are now so many people in our country who were born somewhere else that it is American culture and values that are being diluted and changed. Instead of the migrants adopting traditional American values, the migrants are changing the Democrats into Socialists.

The heavy political weight of this massive cultural constituency has dragged the Democratic Party far to the left, and it hasn’t stopped. The leftward slide continues. The Democratic Party’s leaders are today expressing positions on most issues that are much to the left of and in direct contradiction to their own statements of ten years ago.

The young aspirants to future Democratic Party leadership are “minorities” who openly endorse Democratic Socialism and chafe at our Bill Of Rights. They wish America to become the familiar society from which they fled. Some parts of America today look like third world cities. Paris and San Francisco would fit right in in Brazil or Thailand.

The shear weight of the newcomers’ political influence and power has flipped California, New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona, and soon Texas and Florida, firmly and perhaps irrevocably to the far left. Democrats openly lust for the day that, as Joe Biden said, whites are the minority and Democratic Party power will be permanently assured by non-white majorities. Whereupon America will be just like any other third world nation.

Democrats are engineering the cultural disintegration of the USA to gain overwhelming political power. Who could not have seen that coming?

The Globalist ideology, wholeheartedly joined by US Progressives and US Democratic Socialists, puts forth several doctrines. First off, that except for the artificial borders, there is no such thing as Frenchmen, or Brits, or Germans, or Americans. Nationality is an artificial construct, the globalists assert. Every person who resides in France is French, regardless of their history or the manner of their entry, so goes the teaching. The demand we hear from across our own Southern border, the demand we hear, is “we are all Americans, and we have rights”.

Globalists pair that with the doctrine that all the cultures of the world are equally valid and to be equally respected. It is pure bigotry, so we’re told, for the people born and raised in one country and fully invested in and love for their culture and values and history, to disrespect the cultures of newcomers, to deny them the free practice of their own cultures and their own systems of law and justice, of their own practices, even while on the host country’s soil and while living off the host country’s generosity.

Grooming and raping young girls and boys is just part of their culture. Genital mutilation and honor killing and wife beating and gay killing, just another cultural norm. Raping girls because they invited it by showing their legs in short dresses is just a difference of perspective. Who is to say they are wrong? Establishing ghetto neighborhoods and denying entry to native people, well that’s just the natural tendency of people to want live with familiar neighbors. Unless the white majority want to live in white neighborhoods, then it’s racist.

I say “white majority” because these doctrines are only hurled at white majority countries. Black South Africa and Zimbabwe, to mention only two, can drive out whites at the muzzle of a gun, but that’s not racist.

Finally, the Globalists have grown so secure in the hold these doctrines now have on the white majorities that they felt free to open the borders to all comers. And the disastrous consequences are apparent, no need to list them. Just observe what’s happening in the countries of Europe, and how hard US media have to work to conceal the damage done to our country and our citizens. One suburb in Paris has 300,000 North African migrants. Detroit is “dial 1 for Arabic”.

Ordinary people are finally fed up with the crime, the filth, the unfair welfare burden on our taxpayers, the burden on our schools and healthcare providers, the drag on wages and jobs, the degradation of our national culture, all of it.

All immigration must be legal and regulated. All of it, no exceptions.

Finally, the real French people in France and Germans in Germany and Italians in Italy are taking to the streets and the voting booths and saying “no more”. Even here in the US, while the Democrats keep saying “illegal migration now and forever unlimited”, average people are beginning to demand “no more illegal migration”. Who could not have seen that coming?

What essential features do all of these examples have in common? They are all expressions of the values and policies of the Left. They are all what the Democrats brought to our country. They are all doing great damage to America. And they all must stop.

