What would C S Lewis have thought of Hipster Theology? [Hipster Theology #1]

Rick Johnston
The Agnostic Bible
7 min readNov 22, 2016


As part of the C S Lewis festival in Belfast celebrating the life and legacy of Jack ‘the Red-Faced Ulsterman’ Lewis a debate on the motion “This house believes that God is about as real as Narnia” was held in the chapel of Union Theological College.

Perhaps out of sheer cheek I will hereby annotate a transcript (below) from the person closest to a ‘Mere Christianity’ of the speakers against the motion, one David Capener, a member of Redeemer Central Belfast and blogger at Future Crowds.

Where Lewis does not have words to say on any of the arguments I am at liberty to insert my own memetic retorts. I do not intend this as any extended or in depth debate on the subject. Consider it ‘light theological entertainment’. But even light entertainment can make a point…

Thank you William, and thank you to Shane and Jennifer for two excellent contributions ….

I have to say I find myself in a strange position, which is that, I very much agree with the proposition of this debate. I believe — maybe paradoxically for someone who speaks from within the Christian tradition — that “God is about as real as Narnia”. I’d maybe modify that statement slightly though, from what is potentially a negation to an affirmation that: God is about as real as Narnia, and…



Rick Johnston
The Agnostic Bible

ex Theologian | Writer | Songwriter | Northern Irish | (h)uman(ist) | Startups | on the shores of Belfast Lough.