EtherCreatures is What

Rick Katz
3 min readJun 25, 2018


Many people around the planet have been suspecting that the world is not what it used to be. Things have changed in some very odd ways.

Some have called it the Mandella Effect, others call these odd occurrences glitches in “the matrix”.

Most all of them attribute the cause to the testing of the Large Hadron Collider, the world’s most powerful particle collider.

But it was in 2018 that the most shocking and visible effects occured..

This was when, and without any explanation, the Large Hadron Collider somehow slammed smack into the Ethereum Blockchain.

In one split particle of space and time, the Ethereum Blockchain met Large Hadron Collider in a beyond wicked collision that tore the fabric of our three dimensional world in a way it hadn’t previously ever done before.

While we may never know the full extent of what that atomic-particle smashing event brought about one thing we do know is at that very instant a very bizarre phenomenon happened.

Our world suddenly became inhabited by amazing EtherCreatures who’s endless hunger for breakfast burritos is only matched by an insatiable thirst for……Ethereum.

Ethereum and breakfast burritos are what these Ether Creatures crave day and night.

However no sooner than Ether Creatures had appeared than the world governments also began seeking a way to destroy them.

“Ether Creatures are far too risky!” they exclaimed.

“We have lived for thousands of years without Ether Creatures, we sure as hell aren’t going to live with ’em now!” they ranted.

It was true…it was risky to try to live with EtherCreatures from the great Ether Collision.

If people don’t know what they’re doing, in fact, Ether Creatures can be quite dangerous.

So, Ether Creatures were mercilessly hunted down by ruthless mercenary soldiers who were well paid by their leaders.

If it hadn’t been for a group of brave souls (like you?) who set out to rescue them, the Ether Creatures would have been completely wiped out. Stay tuned, this is just beginning.

To Be Continued for sure.

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