The Three Spiritual Paths (and why you should care)

Ricky Goodall
8 min readSep 24, 2021


Do you consider yourself a spiritual person?

Is spirituality an important part of your daily life?

Do you live your life aligned with a spiritual truth that feels right for you?

It was 2015, and my business was going under.

In the year before, I’d sabotaged two businesses, a relationship with a girlfriend and countless friendships, and now a third business was about to sink.

I’d tried working with business coaches, therapists, counselors and healers, but nothing worked.

I meditated, practiced Reiki, listened to guided meditations, practiced holistic eating and body practices like yoga and QiGong, yet still I suffered.

“Why do I keep creating pain for myself?!” I’d often wonder.

Then, a miracle happened.

A ceremonial High Magician came into my life and offered to initiate me into High Magic, and ancient healing practice used since before the time of Christ.

At first, I was skeptical. “Do you mean like black magic? Curses, spells, and hexes?” I asked. He laughed.

“There are different types of magic,” he responded.

This magician and I worked together for three months, and in that time I learned about the three types of magic, and more recently, how they apply to the three spiritual paths.

Black Magic (also called Low Magic) is magic where you put spells, curses and hexes on people. It’s magic that is intended to hurt, control or manipulate others. It’s a dangerous magic that usually leads to painful situations for the magician.

Grey Magic (also called Middle Magic) is magic that does not hurt anyone else, and is focused on personal gain. Law of attraction and manifestation magic is considered Grey Magic.

White Magic (also called High Magic) is magic that is focused specifically on healing. All energy healing including Reiki, yoga, meditation, prayer, chants, mantras, etc. that is intended only to heal is considered White Magic.

Everyone practices one or more of these types of magic in their lives, even if they don’t realize it. When you imagine something you want, or visualize getting the job you desire, you are practicing magic.

When you attend a wedding, a court proceeding, a church service or a graduation, you are attending a type of magic ceremony.

The thing that determines whether magic is “good,” “bad” or “neutral” (even though these concepts only exist in the human mind) is the path that the magician is on in their own personal spiritual practice.

There are essentially three spiritual paths, regardless of what religion, spiritual practice or scientific dogma you follow. Even if you don’t believe in spirituality, you are still walking a spiritual path.

These paths are called the Left-Hand Path, the Right-Hand Path and the Middle Path.

The Left-Hand Path is the path of the physical world, of pleasure, competition, selfishness and indulgence. It is the realm of addiction, lust, greed, anger, dishonesty, jealousy and revenge. It’s the path of duality, of separation and ultimately confusion. It is the path associated with evil, the Devil, Satan and all sorts of demonic entities. If you perceive that there is an evil in the world, then it’s possible that you have been unconsciously, even unintentionally, walking the Left-Hand Path.

I recently found a powerful quote about the Left-Hand Path:

“Woe be to him who, refusing to raise his soul to the sublime and cleansing rays of the spiritual sun within him, places his feet upon the path which leads downwards. The warnings given to students of occultism about this matter have always been solemn and urgent, and no esotericist should at any moment consider himself safe or beyond the possibilities of taking the downward way until he has become at one with the divine monitor within his own breast, his own inner god.”

Another states:

“A Sanskrit equivalent for the left-hand path is pratyeka-yana. Those who follow this path are also called vamacharins, and their school or course of life is known as vamachara or savyachara. They follow the easy but perilous path leading downwards into ever more confusing, horrifying stages of matter and final spiritual obscuration and personal annihilation.”


The Left-Hand Path is considered the “easier” path because it doesn’t require the deep, transformative work to reach a state of “bliss” that is required on the Middle and Right-Hand Paths. Specific sacrifices, rituals and practices can offer the practitioner of the Left-Hand Path an experience of bliss that may seem like enlightenment and freedom.

This means they can eat as much as they want, hurt whoever they choose and live whatever type of life they desire, seemingly without consequences. They move through life taking what they want, even if that means taking it from others.

You might be wondering, “can a person walking the Left-Hand Path really avoid their karma and get away with hurting others for personal gain?”

I’m reminded of a portion of the second quote above, “They follow the easy but perilous path leading downwards into ever more confusing, horrifying stages of matter and final spiritual obscuration and personal annihilation.”

If you’ve ever been to the bottom of a powerful shamanic ceremony and you’ve experienced the confusing, horrifying, chaotic mental abyss that is sometimes found there, then you might have an idea of what this realm of reality could be like.

The Right-Hand Path is the “opposite” of the Left-Hand Path in that it is focused on sacrifice and asceticism (“severe self-discipline and avoidance of all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons”). The sole focus for someone on the Right-Hand Path is unity with Source, God, Creator or Conscious Universe. They renounce their human lives to become one with God, and sacrifice all pleasures and indulgences.

Monks, Yogis, Priests and Holy People who have completely surrendered their lives to God are considered Right-Hand Practitioners. They eat, sleep and breathe unity, and every choice they make is through the lens of the Right-Hand Path. They give up all earthly desires to be one with the Divine.

If you perceive only love in the world, recognizing that God is all there is, and if you are in complete command over your impulses, addictions and desires, then you are likely walking the Right-Hand Path.

The Middle Path is the path that runs through both. It resists over-indulging and asceticism by practicing moderation, and it avoids the pitfalls of one extreme or the other by finding balance between the two.

Someone who is walking the Middle Path enjoys life’s luxuries in moderation, never too much and never too little. Their focus is on evolving with their earthly brothers and sisters as family, equal under the eyes of God. They resist the temptation of addiction and overindulgence by exploring deep, authentic connection with themselves and others.

The Buddha’s Eight Fold Path is an expression of the Middle Path, or the Middle Way. The Buddha believed that the way to enlightenment and the end of suffering was found by walking the Middle Way/Middle Path. I have also found this to be true.

It’s so easy in our modern world to be caught walking the Left-Hand Path unknowingly and unintentionally. With the media over selling us drugs and alcohol through music and television, and tempting us online with social media, it takes a true spiritual warrior to stay focused on the Middle and Right-Hand Paths.

If you’re someone who catches yourself over indulging, giving into addictions and competing with others for what you want, or if you have discounted the possibility of a Higher Power and you’ve let your ego convince you that life is just an accident, then there is a chance you are walking the Left-Hand Path.

But worry not, my brother or sister, because if you choose to walk the Left-Hand Path to the end, after your suffering has reached its extreme, you will simply dissolve back into the source from which you came, never to see the light again.

If, however, you are one who desires the Middle or Right-Hand Path, let this message be the sign you’ve been waiting for to find balance and harmony in your life, so the world can reflect it to you.

You ARE loved, you ARE supported, and you ARE the one we’ve been waiting for.



PS would you like to reprogram your consciousness so you can break free from the matrix and become your Higher Self?

If you’re someone who is looking for support as you move along the Middle or Right-Hand Path, I just launched The Pilgrimage, a seven-week self-initiation program that will help you break free from your false reality so you can align your life with the spiritual path that works for you.

In The Pilgrimage you’ll discover:

-How to love and accept yourself now, so you can start living the life you imagine without waiting for someone else to come and save you

-How to unbecome your false identity and the person you pretend to be so you can discover and become your true, authentic self

-How to stop people pleasing and seeking validation from others so you can live a happy, inspiring life that’s authentic to you

-How to encourage others to wake up to their potential so you can form a tribe of like-minded people without preaching or forcing your beliefs on others

-How to develop a spiritual truth that feels right for you so you can create your own relationship with a Higher Power without blindly following strict religion or scientific dogma

The Pilgrimage includes:

***Interactive Video Lessons, Rituals, Assignments and Practices That Push You To Your Edge***

The Pilgrimage offers an in-depth study program to help you correct your five energy bodies, your spiritual, mental, emotional, physical and consciousness bodies. It includes interactive video lessons, breathwork training, magic rituals, powerful homework assignments and activities that will help you correct your false programming and become the person you know yourself to be.

***Access to a Community of Other People Just Like You Who Are On The Same Path***

It’s not easy being on this journey alone. That’s why I created an entire community of like-minded people just like you and I who are on a similar journey. When you join The Pilgrimage, you get access to a community of people from all over the world who are on a journey to discover and become their true, authentic, Higher Self.

***A Library of Books, Texts, Scriptures, Audiobooks, Meditations, Tools and More***

As a member of The Pilgrimage, you’ll get access to my personal library of sacred books, texts, scriptures, rituals, brainwave entrainment MP3s, guided meditations, breathwork training and more to help you take your journey to the next level. You’ll also get access to hundreds of hours of content that I created to help you understand your superhuman self.

***Direct Access to Me For Questions, Coaching and Guidance***

Your membership in The Pilgrimage includes direct access to me by email or private message in The Pilgrimage community for questions, guidance and advice to get you to the next level. I will personally share my best resources and tools with you so you can take yourself as deep as you’d like to go.

The investment for The Pilgrimage is $1999 when I roll out the marketing campaign next month, but you can enroll now for just $999 and keep all of the bonuses, including a private, two hour conversation with me.

100% of all profits go to helping others develop a deeper spiritual truth so that we can walk together to the world we all deserve. Scholarships are also available.

For more information or to enroll, click here or email



Ricky Goodall

My MMA journey showed me there’s an animal inside of me, and my spiritual journey showed me there’s a God inside of me. Who I feed is who I become.