How Investors can make a difference, maximise gains and reduce risk with the Office for Innovation

Ric Richardson
4 min readSep 8, 2021
Photo by Federico Respini on Unsplash

By far the biggest opportunity for equity to investment ratio are the first investors in any project. Seed round is the biggest opportunity to see a kernel of an idea sprout and be part of something that makes a difference.

But also its typically the riskiest. Until now. Introducing the Office For Innovation. The OFI is a hub for innovation where problem solvers, government support mechanisms and savvy early investors connect to get important problems solved. Where technology is spawned, prepared and made ready for serious commercialisation.

So how does the OFI deliver for early investors?

  • All OFI projects are pre-funded by at least 60% before being presented to you.
  • The only investors to precede you are the project founders friends and family.
  • Up to 40% of the project equity is available to you.

OFI background

Historically, Australia started out “living of a sheep’s back” then we “dug up our back yard” but all along the thing most valuable to mine has been Australian THINK.

Historically, Australia started out “living of a sheep’s back” then we “dug up

