What do I do on a rest day

Richard Surman
3 min readMay 19, 2019


After my previous article

Bodyweight alone” by Richard Surman https://link.medium.com/Hwdg56gGLW

Its Sunday and it’s a rest day, but I’m up with Stella

Its 6.30 and we are walking, became 2 mile circuit I’ve done the last the days.

My new regime

So yes it’s a rest day, from squats, push ups etc but I’ve got plenty of steps to do today, so another 10k steps should be achieved, that’ll mean nearly 70 days in a row.

Yes every day since March 11th I’ve achieved my target and then some.

I know some people say the 10000 steps is a myth, but it’s a target, a pass or fail and I like targets, preferably ones that aren’t too far out of reach.

Back to the new regime, its busted 2lbs off my weight this week. I did hit another target this week, quite regularly hitting my protein intake by consuming #sardines #tuna #chicken etc

After yesterday’s workout, walks and gardening at my mother in laws, everything aches, especially my glutes, it’s a healthy schedule though.b

Tech aids

Like most people I like tech, visual aids, I have my Samsung NEXT watch which counts my steps and transfers the count to Samsung health.

I also use Google fit which tracks my walks and workouts. Also as mentioned in

“Bodyweight alone” by Richard Surman https://link.medium.com/Hwdg56gGLW

I use my fitness pal which colates all the activities and calories and litres.

I briefly touched on the podcast #dtmts “Dont tell me the score!” which you can find on the BBC Sounds app, In my previous post, but it’s an inspiration hearing how some of the legends of sport, sports psychologists and other walks of life that relate to sport can influence my life. Simon Mundie, its host, does a great job of keeping it topical. This week the guest was the genius creator of Headspace Andy Puddiscombe. I’ve used his app, on and off for a while now, and along with other material it has me living in the moment. I’m not getting so stressed, nor am I losing my concentration so much.

Oh well until next week, #getfitstayfit



Richard Surman

I blog, I have done for several years my posts change but are chiefly about fitness and my antics in trying to live a reasonably healthy lifestyle