How do you pick a name for a racehorse?

Horse Tips
3 min readOct 24, 2022


Many people are confused about the name that they give to their racehorses. After all, you are naming a horse after yourself and your family and friends. However, if you are naming a horse after someone else, you should make sure that you are not infringing on any rights or copyrights.

This is especially true if you are going to be selling the horse. You should always check with the owner of the horse before you decide to use their name. If you are naming your horse after a famous person, you should make sure that you have the permission of the person before you do so.

When naming a horse, you should keep in mind that your horse will be competing in the show ring, and you should pick a name that is unique, and not one that is already taken. If you plan to sell the horse, you should consider keeping the original name. This way, you will have a better chance of selling the horse for a good price.

A racehorse’s name has a big impact on its racing success. Some owners give their horses a name that is very personal and meaningful to them. Others prefer to pick a name that is short and easy to remember.

Some owners will spend hours trying to come up with a good name for their racehorse. Others will simply buy a book of names to help them out. Whatever method you choose, here are some things to consider when naming a racehorse.

Pick a Name that is Appropriate

Don’t name your racehorse something that is inappropriate for the sport. For example, don’t name your racehorse “Bad Boy” because it doesn’t sound appropriate for the sport.

Make sure the name is Unique

If you are going to pick a name that is unique, it needs to be memorable. Think about your horse’s personality and how you would describe it. For example, you might name a horse named “The Iceman” because it is tough, cool, and calculating. Or you might name your racehorse “The Hot Mess” because it is a bit wild and crazy.

Think About How Your Horse Will Perform

Consider how you want your horse to perform. If you want your horse to be a jockey, a sprinter, a distance horse, a flat racer, or something else, you need to make sure that the name fits the horse’s personality.

Think About How Other People Will Respond

Most racehorse owners will tell you that their favorite horse name was suggested by another owner. Even if you name your horse something that is not very common, most owners will say that they loved it.

So think about how people will respond to your name and whether it fits your horse.

What Should I Name My Racehorse?

When choosing a name for your racehorse it is important to remember that it is your responsibility to ensure that your horse is protected by copyright laws. You can register your name and your horse's name with the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) so that if someone else uses your name they will need your permission to do so. You should also consider the following:

The number of races that your horse will participate in

Your horse’s age

Your horse’s health

Your horse’s pedigree

