Best Practices of a software developer

2 min readMar 11, 2023

Did you know that your daily practices could affect your progress positively or negatively when it comes to software development? In this article, I will share some of my personal practices that have helped me continue my software development journey. Learning software development can be taught, but avoiding bad habits that can block you from pushing yourself forward is essential.

Having Regular Breaks:
One of the most significant personal habits that help me continue my journey in software development is regularly taking breaks. It may seem counterintuitive to take a break when you’re trying to be productive and make progress on your project. However, overworking yourself can lead to burnout, causing more harm than good. Taking regular breaks ensures that you stay productive and energized throughout the day.

Testing Your Code:
Testing my code regularly is another habit that helps me push myself forward in software development. While building an application, it’s crucial to test and clean your code from bugs to create sleek and efficient applications. Testing ensures that your application runs smoothly, and any potential problems get addressed in the earliest stages of development.

Another habit that has helped me thrive as a software developer is enjoying the process of learning. Fun and creativity keep the passion for coding alive, making it easy to become innovative and open-minded. So, if you’re struggling to find motivation, turn to learn into a game, and have fun while creating great designs. Incorporating these bad habits into your daily life can help you achieve better success as a software developer.

By following these habits and avoiding bad ones, you can improve your productivity, and creativity and improve your overall experience as a software developer. Remember, learning software development takes time and patience, so incorporating healthy habits is vital to maintain a positive outlook on your journey.

