Unleashing the Potential of Jetpack Compose: Part III — The Power of Recomposition

Riddhi Shah
3 min readMay 7, 2024


In the previous parts of this series, we explored the advantages of Jetpack Compose over the View system and how radio buttons can be implemented in both approaches.

This section, the final part of the series, dives deeper into a core concept of Jetpack Compose — recomposition.

What is recomposition?

Unlike the View approach where you manually update UI elements based on state changes, Jetpack Compose utilizes a powerful mechanism called recomposition. Here’s how it works:

Event-Driven State Changes: When a UI element emits an event (e.g., onClick for a radio button), an event handler determines if a state change is necessary.

Dependency Re-execution: If the state changes, the functions for all UI elements dependent on that state are re-executed. This process of rebuilding the UI based on the updated state is called recomposition.

In simple words: Whenever your state changes, your UI will be recreated

In essence, recomposition ensures your UI always reflects the current state of your application data, eliminating the need for manual UI updates and simplifying development.

Lifecycle of Composables: Initial Composition and Recomposition

Composable functions play a crucial role in recomposition. Here’s a breakdown of their lifecycle:

  • Initial Composition: The first time a composable function is called to generate the UI based on the initial state of your data.
  • Recomposition: Whenever the data state changes due to user interaction or other events, the composable functions dependent on that state are re-executed. This ensures the UI reflects the updated state.

Example: Custom Composable Radio Button Card

Consider a scenario where we want to display a question with four answer choices represented by radio buttons. Each answer choice is displayed within a card. Here’s a simplified example of how we can achieve this with a custom composable function utilizing state management:

fun AnswerCard(
question: String,
answer: String,
isSelected: Boolean,
onAnswerSelected: (String) -> Unit
) {
Card {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth().padding(16.dp),
verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically
) {
selected = isSelected,
onClick = { onAnswerSelected(answer) }
Text(text = answer, modifier = Modifier.padding(start = 8.dp))

In this example, AnswerCard is a custom composable function that takes arguments like the question, answer text, selection state (isSelected), and a callback (onAnswerSelected) for handling user interaction. The UI within the card is rebuilt based on changes to the isSelected state or user interaction with the radio button.

Benefits of Recomposition

Reduced Complexity and Improved Efficiency: Recomposition eliminates the need for manual UI updates, simplifying development and ensuring efficient UI rendering based on state changes.

Automatic Updates: UI elements automatically adapt to state changes, ensuring a consistent and responsive user experience.

Declarative Approach: Developers focus on declaring the desired UI based on data, and Jetpack Compose handles the UI updates through recomposition.


Recomposition is a cornerstone of Jetpack Compose, enabling the creation of dynamic and efficient UIs with minimal boilerplate code. By leveraging this mechanism, developers can focus on building intuitive user interfaces with the confidence that Jetpack Compose automatically handles UI updates based on the current state of the application.

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Riddhi Shah

Mobile App Developer 😊. Medium lover 🤩. Enthusiastic learner 🤓.