Rideshare Certified: Voice & Support of Rideshare Drivers

Rideshare Certified
9 min readApr 8, 2019


We at Rideshare Certified are a team of dedicated and passionate professionals with extensive experience in the rideshare industry, we understand, better than anyone else, the magnanimity of the problems and financial challenges faced by rideshare drivers on a daily basis. With our comprehensive understanding of their challenges and extensive experience in providing reliable and efficient solutions, we intend to emerge as the voice and ultimate support system of rideshare drivers.

Ever since the rideshare industry was first established, rideshare companies like Uber, Lyft and others have managed to reap great success based on the diligence and dedication of rideshare drivers. It is the rideshare drivers who must be credited for the convenience that ridesharing has added to the lifestyles of everyday commuters and passengers. Rideshare drivers maintain on-the-road security and safety to make sure their passengers can safely travel from one place to another. However, despite the dedication and passion they put into their jobs, rideshare drivers continued to be the most undervalued, underpaid and underappreciated members of the rideshare industry.

At Rideshare Certified, we are determined to change this culture and emerge as a powerful voice that demands equality and improvements to elevate the lifestyles and working conditions of rideshare drivers. In cases of roadside collisions and rideshare accidents, rideshare drivers are faced with grave challenges that undermine their professional and financial health. We aim to provide them with professional support and pragmatic guidance that will uplift their financial and professional health, and help them in carving out a future that is safe, secure and bright.

We aim to provide rideshare drivers with a reliable and powerful platform that will address and voice their demands, and make sure that the rideshare industry thrives by creating favorable opportunities for rideshare drivers. We intend to assist Uber, Lyft and all their rideshare drivers who feel undermined and shackled by financial obligations and overwhelming procedures with our reliable guidance and dedicated support. With Rideshare Certified’s diligent and dedicated support, rideshare drivers can rely on our professionals to pave their way towards a successful and bright future!

Free 19 point inspections for all Rideshare drivers

When a driver first signs up to work with Uber, Lyft or other rideshare companies, they are required to bring in their cars, and the car must pass a 19-point inspection test to be considered competent and safe for the passengers. These rideshare companies require this 19-point inspection to make sure that the driver’s car is fully capable of ensuring the safety of the passengers, along with providing them a comfortable ride.

What Is a 19-Point Inspection?

First-time applicants for rideshare driving jobs are often unaware of this mandatory inspection procedure, which can be performed by either government or privately-owned organizations. It basically involves an inspection of the car from 19 specific points that ensure whether the car is safe and fully operational to meet the day-to-day work requirements of a rideshare driver. Now, it is important to note that while different rideshare companies have the same 19-point inspection requirement, the procedures that are in action in various regions and geographical locations tend to vary.

These 19 points that need to inspected are as follows:-



Turn indicator lights

Stop lights

Foot brakes

Emergency/parking brake

Steering wheel


Muffler and exhaust system


Front, rear and side window

Front seat adjustment mechanism

Door controls & locks

Interior and exterior rear view mirrors


Condition of car body (inspected for signs of damage)

Condition of tires, especially the tread depth

Safety belts for driver and passengers

Heat and air conditioning

In the instance your car fails to pass any of these specific points during the inspection, you will have to address these problems and undergo another inspection test to be qualified for the position of rideshare driver. We at Rideshare Certified are here to help rideshare drivers effectively meet the inspection requirements of Uber and Lyft amongst others employers, and we encourage them to apply upon meeting their driver requirements. We encourage all applicants to be above the age of 21, must have one year of driving experience in the USA, a valid US driver’s license, and they must own a safe and fully-operational 4-door vehicle.

While you can always enlist the help of Uber and Lyft to help you find a free inspection center that is affiliated with the rideshare company, we at Rideshare Certified also aid rideshare drivers in benefitting from free 19-point inspections. Passing these inspections is very important to qualify as a competent rideshare driver and we assist all candidates for ridesharing jobs to make sure they pass all the requirements, and succeed in carving out the career that they seek.

Rideshare Drivers Battling against Hefty Deductibles

At Rideshare Certified, we fully understand that rideshare drivers take a grave amount of risk every single day and with every single ride, and when it comes to protecting themselves against financial challenges, there are not many defenses that safeguard their financial health. Rideshare drivers working for Lyft and Uber tend to be particularly vulnerable given the hefty deductibles and payments they are required to make in cases of roadside collisions and accidents.

It is important to note that most Uber, Lyft and other drivers choose this profession to make ends meet or to raise some extra cash that will facilitate their income during a time when every single dollar matters. And in such a situation, if driving for these rideshare companies costs them over $2000 worth of expenses, what is the benefit that they will reap? Instead, they will find themselves swimming in debts, insurance payments and other financial challenges.

While Uber and Lyft do provide insurance protection to their drivers as they transport their passengers from one place to another, however, they also charge hefty deductibles. Uber charges a deductible of $1000 and Lyft charges even more with a staggering sum of $2500. So basically, this indicates that if a rideshare driver working for Lyft has an accident, he will be required to make a payment of $2500 from his/her hard-earned money before the Lyft insurance will be available for access. Even more challenging is the fact that while most insurance policies by Lyft and Uber have failed to materialize, the driver’s auto insurance policy will also prove to be challenge.

Most insurance providers don’t seek to work with Lyft and Uber drivers, and even if they don’t cancel the policy instantly, they are reluctant in renewing them as they do not cater to cars used for commercial usage. And insurance firms that offer ride-sharing benefits on policies come for a much higher price. At Rideshare Certified, we intend to tackle this problem with a pragmatic and strategic approach of connected rideshare drivers with family-oriented and beneficial insurance providers who will simplify their financial challenges and uplift their economic health.

We at Rideshare Certified, understand better than anyone else, the financial difficulties and legal complications that rideshare drivers fail when they are inundated with hefty insurance payments, unfair deductibles and shortage of funds. We understand that rideshare drivers take up these job opportunities to elevate their financial health as opposed to spending thousands of dollars out of their own pockets. Majority of the rideshare drivers cannot even afford to make such payments, which forces them to undertake loans and binding contracts from demanding lenders who seek to further diminish their financial health.

With the reliable guidance and assistance of Rideshare Certified, rideshare drivers have nothing to worry about. We will make sure that rideshare drivers are not alone in combatting their grave financial challenges, and are provided with sound and pragmatic advice every step of the way. With our advice and consultations, we will connect with trusted professionals and experts who will help you devise an effective strategy to uplift your financial health and eliminate your burdens.

Rideshare Certified Smartphone App: Always Connected

Rideshare Certified provides rideshare drivers with a platform that they can trust for unlimited and unconditional support. By downloading the Rideshare Certified smartphone app, which is available on Apple and Google Play, rideshare drivers can rely on our consistent support and guidance. Within seconds, a few simple clicks will help simplify your problems with efficient and effective solutions.

The Rideshare Certified smartphone app is the deliverance of our promise of reliable support that will be delivered without delay, and through this app, we make sure that rideshare drivers are always connected to our network of support and connectivity. We intend to present this smartphone app as a powerful instrument of awareness and support that will allow rideshare drivers to overcome everyday challenges and make their professional obligations simpler and less fatigue-inducing.

By downloading this app on your smartphone, you can stay connected with Rideshare Certified’s network of assistance and simplify your challenges in a matter of seconds. Whether you seek to connect with a reliable rideshare attorney, a family-oriented insurance provider or even a rideshare auto repair company. The Rideshare Certified smartphone app will guide you through all an abundance of solutions that will break down even the gravest of challenges that you could possibly be facing.

The Rideshare Certified smartphone app is a major milestone in creating a community and a powerful platform where rideshare drivers can voice their concerns, address their demands and seek solutions to their financial and professional challenges. With your support and trust, we intend to make this platform an efficient and instrumental tool in elevating the professional and financial health of rideshare drivers.

Rideshare Certified: Stands in Solidary with Rideshare Drivers

At Rideshare Certified, we have profound respect and admiration for rideshare drivers, who continue to pour dedication and passion to their everyday jobs of providing safe and comfortable traveling convenience to passengers. It gives us immense displeasure to see that rideshare drivers are the most undervalued and unrewarded members of the rideshare industry despite their many services and commitments to the industry. We intend to change this toxic culture by standing in solidarity with Uber, Lyft and all other rideshare drivers.

Whether you are a dedicated driver who seeks to step into the rideshare driving industry, or simply a medical student who wants to raise some extra cash to pay through medical school. We understand all the diverse financial needs and career goals of rideshare drivers and candidates looking to join the industry. At Rideshare Certified, we are a dedicated team of professionals who are passionate about safeguarding the physical, financial and professional wellbeing of rideshare drivers with advanced, innovative and efficient solutions.

We intend to spread a powerful message of solidarity with rideshare drivers that will ripple across the industry, paving a way for improvements and innovations that we intend to channel to elevate the lifestyles and working conditions of rideshare drivers. We stand in solidarity with rideshare drivers in times of difficulty and in times of celebration. Whether you are dealing with a terrible calamity, like a rideshare accident or collision that has left your car badly damage, do not fear and simply get in touch with us at Rideshare Certified.

We will make sure you are provided the support and assistance you need by connecting you with likeminded and family-oriented businesses who are dedicated to helping and uplifting rideshare drivers. Our campaign of solidarity revolves around empowering, educating and encouraging rideshare drivers to protect their financial and professional wellbeing with strategic tools and technological assistance.

Rideshare Certified is here to support Uber, Lyft and all rideshare drivers in mapping out their career goals, escaping unnecessary and challenging financial payments, escaping insurance plans and deductibles that soak up all their income and wealth, and most importantly, helping rideshare drivers connect with a community of businesses and professionals who will help them pave a bright and successful future. Rideshare drivers are often left alone to deal with the chaos that ensues after roadside collisions and accidents, and even though rideshare companies and employers make promises of compensation, these promises seldom materialize in a manner that can provide meaningful assistance.

At Rideshare Certified, we stand in full solidarity with rideshare drivers, making sure all the hurdles and challenges that stand in the path of their success are eliminate effectively.



Rideshare Certified

At Rideshare Certified, we are determined to change this culture and emerge as a powerful voice that demands equality and improvements to elevate the lifestyles