5 Great Uses Of Vernier Calipers For Everyone

Ridhi Malhotra
4 min readJun 13, 2016


Vernier Calipers are precision instruments that measure the distance between two opposite sides of a circular or straight object. A typical Vernier caliper is composed of two internal and external jaws each, a depth measurement prong, one locking screw, and imperial and metric scales. The primary aim of a Vernier caliper is to measure internal and outside dimensions as well as the depth of an object. Renowned for their tremendous accuracy, vernier calipers can measure up to one hundredth of a millimetre. With the passage of time, these handy devices have been absorbed into various industrial domains wherein they serve a multitude of purposes. They are of great use to professionals as well as engineering students alike. Down below we have listed some of the pristine uses of Vernier calipers for one and all. Have a look-:

1. Vernier Calipers for students- Educational Purpose

In engineering research classes, schools impart basic training to students and give away some great tips to use Vernier calipers. Further, schools employ Vernier calipers for assisting intermediate and high school physics students in gauging measurements of different objects of different shapes along with rectifying the ‘zero error.’ For instance, one of the most famous experiments along with other regular shapes is the bob measuring experiment. Besides, measurements of inside and outside dimensions of a cylindrical shaped object are a few more noteworthy experiments that are conducted in physics labs by students.

2. Steel Sector

Vernier caliper has evolved as a significant tool in the steel industry where an accurate measurement of the inside dimensions of an object made up of steel is desired. It can also accurately measure the thickness of various objects that are shaped differently. Moreover, a Vernier caliper also comes in handy for measuring the depth of objects made up of various metals.

3. Medical Sector

The surgical instruments’ industry heavily relies on the usage of Vernier calipers too! Bear in mind, in the medical sector, the dimensions of instruments with different aspects need to be measured with utmost precision. Since each instrument is highly sensitive to even minute disruptions, a slight change can wreak havoc in instruments that are highly sensitive to external factors and require extreme care because they have to function in a very limited space. Take for instance, the example of Forceps and the distance in between its either sides.

4. Scientific Labs

Vernier calipers are also abundantly used in scientific labs for a plenitude of reasons. For instance, for studying the effects of variating temperatures on expansion of hordes of metals that differ in chemical properties. Some more prolific uses of Vernier calipers include — precise and exact measurement of objects that are a must for carrying on the requisite work such as — joining two pieces of some object by employing a high-level of skillful precision. Vernier calipers are equally deft at providing measurements of regular and irregular shaped objects from both the inside and outside. They are of immense help when measurements of objects have to be taken under ad hoc conditions. The conditions could range from real world scenarios to conditions that are simulated in the lab for experimental purposes. For instance, measurement of the expansion of a specific metal from heat can provide a good deal of insight into the properties of the metal under scanner and serve as a basis for future studies of the material itself.

5. Aerospace Sector

It is a no-brainer that the aviation and aerospace industries require extreme precision. Even a slight amount of change in an object’s dimension can render numerous ill-effects and irreversible damages unto not only the concerned object, but all other connected objects as well. Therefore, various types of Vernier calipers such as digital dial calipers, are used to defer any prospective damages. Besides, sometimes tools such as a Micro meter that offers high precision are used for measurements of small objects that require high-level of precision.

To derive the best results from Vernier calipers, always purchase these tools from reputed brands such as Insize, Yamayo, Precise, Mitutoyo, Baker, and Inder, amongst others.

