The Good Bad Ugly

ridhima solanki
3 min readMar 21, 2023


The broken wing is not enough to break the spirit of flying (Pic credit Author)

The Good Bad Ugly is an awesome movie but the phrase can be talked about in the human context from different as well as relative perspectives. We are told since childhood that good and bad are two sides of the coin and to experience one, one has to experience the other too. The sadness and happiness are often associated with some loss or gain of happy emotions we feel with breaking. In a relative context, when things break it's good, when people break it's bad, and when a bond/relationship breaks it's ugly. When you break a mundane thing or lose a job it’s a financial setback and yes it pushes you back many steps in life. It is worse in cases like natural calamities or national mismanagement which make many farmers commit suicide because he/she can’t see his/her family as hungry. Or times like COVID where daily wagers lost their livelihood. In cases like these are hard to say that it's good but then if you are alive, and still have a life, it is seen as good. The situation can change with or without help from the external environment. Mainly faith in the Almighty and your courage play a role at this stage. When people break it's Bad….. It's like the loss of an institution built over the years with experience and molded by a lot of love from inside and outside. Many times, with the break of a person, many other people related to that one person break too. At this stage, society plays a much more crucial role rather than in the Good phase. Most often we believe that when things break philanthropists jump in to save the day and hence society plays the role. However, society and its thinking are breaking something valuable. The pressure we as a society impart on struggling individuals is much more toxic because we challenge the resilience of a person in his/her emotional nadir. Unless we start practicing compassion as a daily routine, we will be insensitive, judgmental, and toxic to someone or the other in this social cohabitation. The worst or the Ugly is when the relationship breaks because it’s breaking of not only two institutions (two or more humans) but a bond generated over years and is used as an example or change the society's direction for years post breakage (examples like falling out of love, parting of two individuals). Many times, it gives society a chance to judge and act with thought processes like girls should be married at an early age or don’t educate much. The worst-case scenario is when parents part ways or stay together affecting a child born out or within wedlock. It’s a much bigger loss as it brings harm to the thinking and mentality of society. And also, half of life goes trying to mend relationships. But as is famously said in India

रहिमन धागा प्रेम का, मत तोरो चटकाय. टूटे पे फिर ना जुरे, जुरे गाँठ परी जाय.

It gets very difficult to mend two or more institutional relations as no two individuals will be in the same thought process at the same time.

However, if you look into Japanese society, they have Kintsugi, the Japanese art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold which teaches us a very valuable lesson. It is an idea that by embracing flaws and imperfections, one can create an even stronger, more beautiful piece of art. But I feel it works at the individual level. Unless you face the Good and Bad stages and learn to be strong enough, resilient enough, and adventurous enough, you won’t be able to understand to avoid or repair the Ugly. Giving up on life at any stage is not even an option. Even if I don’t believe in rebirth, it is highly possible that God will keep on putting me in the same class to make me learn my lesson. Overcoming the lows is not easy but it is the right thing to do and a sign of warrior which is inherent in the human race.


