Our Family Annual Review // 夫とのボードミーティング

Rie Yano
12 min readJan 14, 2017


My husband Adam Gries and I have been enjoying end of year annual reviews since we were dating back in 2014, and we often joke about how it’s as serious as board meetings. Each year we find a new venue outside of Manhattan to stay over night so we can recharge in the nature with some wine and dancing, and stay focused for as long as 30 hours to discuss each others’ goals and purpose in life.

We review the variance between our goals and actuals, and ask ourselves whether we lived up to our purpose in life, as well as how much we were able to support each other’s goals.

We’ve iterated our approach over the past 3 years and here are some of my learnings:

  1. Quantifying goals matter, but quantifying daily performance matters more.
    While it’s easy to quantify a goal for the year (e.g. meditate 10 minutes daily, achieve 16% body fat, get to Intermediate Hebrew level by spending 2.5 hours weekly), it’s actually harder to quantify your actual performance on goals requiring daily habit formation. Adam created a quick google doc form with goals related to daily achievements, and set up a recurring email to reach our inbox at 6am and noon so we can fill them out in 30 seconds before we forget. When we reviewed our annual performance, we were able to quantify our wins and areas of improvement.
  2. Creating recurring calendar reminders for unquantifiable goals helps prevent them from being de-prioritized.
    When you have quantified goals, it’s easy to feel a sense of accomplishment for achieving them in the short term. I noticed that I was bothered by the unquantifiable longer term goals that kept on slipping off my agenda. Since time is our biggest luxury, blocking recurring time on my calendar made a huge impact.
  3. An annual review is not enough — set time quarterly to review methods and evolve goals to stay relevant.
    365 days is a very long time. Many unexpected and spontaneous events happen in a year (especially when you are both startup founders!) This year, we’ve decided to enjoy quarterly reviews in different venues, since we realized how invaluable it is to spend time reflecting and speaking to our hearts together. It sounds easy, but with two early stage startups to run, we don’t do enough heart speak in our day to day.
  4. Prevent mechanical goal setting by first asking key questions to approach your heart.
    Goal setting can become mechanical, especially if you’re reviewing last years’ goals to prepare for the new year. You may find yourself copying and pasting similar goals in auto-pilot mode. Instead, start with a fresh mind and approach your heart by asking key questions. After we reviewed 2016 in depth on New Years eve, we came up with 17 questions to celebrate 2017, spent an hour writing down our thoughts, and another three hours to share each of our thoughts and discuss our feelings. Once we finished this exercise, what matters most to us and our big picture goals in life were so clear, and I felt at peace to then create quantified goals and metrics that relate to our core beliefs.

Here are the 17 questions we came up with this year. The last question is my favorite — “Ask yourself, why did I get into what I’m doing in the first place and am I living up to it?” Enjoy!

** 17 Questions we asked ourselves in preparation for 2017**

1. What do you feel uncomfortable talking or thinking about?

2. What would you regret if you died tomorrow?

3. What are the most important 3 things humanity can work on right now?

4. What makes you feel insecure?

5. Who are the 5 people you want to spend the most time with?

6. What would you do if money were not an object?

7. What is something you want to tell the world and stand up for that you haven’t?

8. What are you worried about?

9. What do you think when you think of death?

10. Who do you look up to as a mentor and why?

11. Who or what makes you feel negative or keeps you down?

12. What are some good things/qualities you think you may have lost over time / the years?

13. If you could take back one thing you did in 2016, what would it be?

14. What was the hardest thing you did in 2016?

15. If you could go back in time and tell yourself some things on December 31st 2015, what would you say?

16. When were you boldest in the past year and what do you wish to be bolder about this year?

17. Ask yourself, why did I get into what I’m doing in the first place and am I living up to it?





  1. ゴールを数値化する事以上に、日常の成果を数値化してトラッキングする事の方が重要
    例えば、毎日瞑想を10分行う、体脂肪を16%に保つ等、理想的なゴールを数値化する事は簡単だが、日常の習慣を実際に数値化してトラッキングする事は意外と忘れがち。我が家ではGoogle Docsに日常の習慣目標が含まれたフォームを作り、毎朝6時と正午夫々のinboxにメールが届く事により、毎日の習慣を30秒で簡単に記入できるようにしている。数値化された実績がたまるので、習慣付かなかった目標へのアプローチを見直すきっかけになるし、数字は嘘をつかないから有難い。
  2. 数値化しにくい長期的な目標は、カレンダーにリピート枠の時間を設けておくと、時間を優先的に使えて実現しやすい
  3. 年に一度のレビューでは学びが遅すぎるので四半期に一度のボードミーティングに
  4. 新年の目標設定は、昨年の目標に影響される事なく、ちゃんとハートと会話をした上で設定すること
    新年の目標設定する際、過去を振り返るからこそ、昨年の目標に自然と影響されがちだ。なので、12月31日に一年の実績を振り返った後、新年のゴールを設定する前に、お互いに自分のハートと会話する時間をたっぷりと設けた。2017年に因んで17つの質問を一緒に考え、夫々1時間で回答し、3時間かけてお互いの回答内容や思いを共有した。会話の内容は、主に夫々のフィーリングや想いについて。この17つの質問を終えた後、2017年の目標がとても明確になり、細かいゴールも全ては私たちの信じている長期的な人生目標に連動して作っていく事ができた。ご参考までに下記が17つの質問で、一番最後の質問は今でも毎日自分に問い続けている =>「そもそもなぜ私は今やっている事をやっていて、その理由に対して精一杯生き尽くしているか?」

** 2017年を迎える前に自分への17つの質問**

1. 誰にも話し辛い内容や、考えるだけでも気詰まりしてしまう内容は何?






7. あなたが強く信じているのに、まだ世に発信できていない事は何?

8. 何に対して不安を感じている?

9. 死について考える時、何が思い浮かぶ?

10. 誰をメンターとして尊敬している?何故?

11. あなたを消極的にさせる人か物事は何?


13. 2016に実行した事で、一つだけ取り戻す事ができたら何?

14. 2016年に実行した一番辛かった事は何?


16. 昨年一番大胆な行動は何で、今年は何に対してより果敢な行動をしていきたい?

17. 自分に聞いて欲しい。そもそもなぜ私は今やっている事をやっていて、その理由に対して精一杯生き尽くしているか。

