What i have learned from GO-SQUADS’ Mini Bootcamp

Rifki Adrian
3 min readJul 1, 2018


So guys, in case you didnt know, i have start my 2-month internship at GO-JEK as a Full Stack Engineering Intern for 1 week right now. And this 1 week is so special for me because not only i met many new amazing people, but also i really get out of my comfortest zone.

So, basically GO-JEK has a special program for their Outstanding Engineer, the program is a Bootcamp(not only a coding bootcamp, but also self improvement bootcamp) that is held in 2 different places(Indonesia and Bangalore). And for the GO-SQUADS, this is the first ever mini Bootcamp they have ever had. We call it mini because it is only running for 1 week.

So, what have i learned for this past few days?

There are many new things that i found so different with what my University taught me at classes. But despite the differences, here are my top 3 things that i have learned from Mini-Bootcamp:

  1. “rm -rf your_code_folder” — Never love your code.

Have you ever use this command while developing project? if you haven't, please try it right now, i’ll wait for you here…

How does it feel? feels great, isn't it? Thats what happened when you’re not discipline. What i mean with discipline is, following the many code rules my team has agreed on. I myself have run this command for 3 times until this day. So, thats why you should never love your code, because you dont what will happen with your code in the future, maybe can be unused, deleted, or maybe useful. Thats why you should change your principle, instead of loving your code, you have to love to code.

2. Tell, dont ask

I guess people that always do the Object Oriented Programming a.k.a OOP when they code familiar with this concept. So, this principle basically to make an object to tell another related object about what you want them to do, instead of asking for their state or instances. If you find a hard time understanding this concept, i will explain this with an example below.

Lets say you have a Point class,

and then you have to create a Line class with length as its instance variable. You know that line is a set of points, right? and it will always have 2 end-points. So, how to count the length? by calculating the distance of that 2 end-points!

But you dont want Line class to do that Points job to count the length right? so here you tell that start point object to count the distance to the end point.

Thats it, your code seems so clean right? Because this way, you dont need that getter setter so that your app si safer, and it also can help you to increase the cohesion of your classes.

3. Communicate with PURPOSE

So, everyday, we are given the time to presentate our blog post in front of the others, and we are given just 1 minute. Whats the point about this? the point is about communicate with PURPOSE. So, you use that 1 minute to tell your story, by using the What-How-Why structure. This way, you can value your & other time more.

So, thats it guys. If you’re curious enough, this bootcamp is pretty intense even though they called it mini. And if you guys want to know more about this bootcamp, or maybe the internship program, just comment down below. C u!

P.S.: we havent take any photo yet, i’ll post it next week!

