Salakanagara: The beginning of the Ancient Java.

2 min readDec 20, 2019


Java has a dynamic history since it began in 78 AD. There is no archaeological sources has been written, proving indigenous story of Java. The story has been told by our predecessors. It written on scriptures, and artifacts. Most scripts, based on myth and fairy tale. But we can link the stories, and create the red line.

Java history represented many cultures e.g. India, China, Greek, and much more. Traders from all over the world, will pass the Straits of Malacca. It is the shipping channel between Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. It connects Indonesia, India and China.

Claudius Ptolomaeus (160 AD) has written about Java in his book, Geographie Hypogenesis. He mentions name of Argyre Chora (mean: Silver Nation) in Labadio. According to the Historian, Labadio means Dwipa-Javaka. Dwipa-Javaka or Java Dwipa, is the ancient name of Java Island.

There’s one Kingdom, which rule west coast Java in 160 AD. It was Salakanagara Kingdom. Salakanagara means “Silver Nation”. It reinforces the theory that Ptolomaeus might visited Java in 160 AD. But the truth has not been found.

Hindustan trader in The Ancient Java

The story of Java has begun in year 78 AD (or year 1 Saka). A trader from Pallawa Kingdom (India), arrived on the west coast Java. He arrived altogether with his army. His presence got well accepted by Local authority, who leads by Aki Tirem. Aki Tirem known as the first rule in Java Island.

According to the legend, the trader and his army helps the village from the pirates’ terrors. The trader kicked-out the pirates, and the village’s living in peace. Later, the trader with the name Devavarman, taken Aki Tirem’s daughter as his wife. His army, followed by marrying local women.

The arrival of Dewawarman on west coast java, created a history. He built a kingdom Salakanagara. This kingdom was recognized as the first kingdom in ancient Indonesia. Salakanagara is the founder of the history, in Java Island. Java history written, many great king was born from The King of Devavarman birth line.

Salakanagara Kingdom, doesn’t leave any logical tangible records e.g. relics or artifacts. As the historical and archaeological sources are scarce, we aren’t able to link the story accurately. However, the Kingdom after has records that can be learned. (ADW)




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