Market research first or take action? Do this to increase sales

3 min readSep 4, 2022


In terms of online sales, the thing you need to realize is that you do not need to increase market research. Detailed market research, market research on the goods you sell, or another thing to increase sales is good to do. But is it effective to do continuous research with no action? Basically, when you
want sales in terms of sales, it is important, I do not rule it out it doesn’t matter. But there is something more important than all that. Take action to get pay attention. Because the market research is too deep, directly by practice is mandatory to know the goods you sell, its niche market from which circles. Because it’s also useless if too much market research, even not taking action to increase sales. Therefore, the need to take action, be proactive, and continue to seek the right niche for the product you are selling is more important than anything else. Malcolm Gladwell's book blink mentioned that many people are too fixated on Research is an example of research in the market selling music cassettes. The music predicted became famous music, but when the album was launched to the public, even enthusiastic society was far from expected songwriters.

Even when there is not much conduct research, always innovate in making songs, works, and so on even improve in sales. Therefore, it takes courage to take a risk, the risk it is not accepted in society. Because it is not enough to research but not to do take action to achieve the main goal of sales. I have a lot of knowledge, but it would be nice to channel that knowledge on social media, share to social media will it’s much better than having knowledge for yourself. Getting used to opening up in terms of sharing to others, channeling our talents to existing platforms and continue to grow and master MS. Office (Word, Excel, Power Point) have never been touched by yourself. Do it little by little, whatever the shape, whatever it is, either share a little information, share a little insight, etc.

So when you start a business out of nowhere, do it as simple as you can, and do it continuously, do it in different ways, with different patterns, to obtain
great opportunities in this increasingly sophisticated world. So, whatever your field, whatever your basic, want you great people in this field, that, but if others do not know you in cyberspace too bad. Because life is not just a we have excellence, then we can take advantage of these advantages to find a bite of rice. How much nobler that continue to share with others, continue to grow, continue to innovate, and continue to work in order to be personal that can be known to many people? When we are known to many people, not just for panning cuan course of the field we pursue, but can provide impact for others is a way it is better to grow in this life. So nothing is wrong as long as we are still life continues to do good, continue to share knowledge, and continue to improvise to obtain the thing of what you persevere. I hope that you can understand what I mean.




Hi, my name is RIJALUDDIN. I am a professional content creator, writer, programmer and etc. I like content creator, programming, etc.