Global US Resource Selloff — Trump’s True Job at the White House = Puppet to Global Robber Barons

3 min readNov 4, 2018


What do 3 men named Knauf, Mittal & Lisin have in common? Trump’s Trade Wars Boost their bottom lines & Extend their Virtual Monopoly Globally

Will Americans recognize Trump’s Dangerous Anti-Trade Tactics before it’s too late? Will we oust Mnuchin, Ross and Zinke before we have nothing left to sell?

How can America compete successfully in the markets for Steel, Aluminum and Drywall if Trump’s US Oligarch Supporters (Folks like Warren Buffet, Wilbur Ross, Steve Mnuchin) use their financial power to sell off core American resources to Globalist Robber Barrons?

The net effect of Trump’s tariffs is to make the cost of core US products such as Campbell’s soup and cans of Coke more expensive. It puts into motion the slowly teetering tower of economic destruction which will likely come crashing down to spawn America’s worst depression.

How is Trump Tipping the Scales Against US Trade?

When Trump tips the scales in favor of these Globalist Robber Barons with his crippling 25% Steel and 10% aluminum US tariffs it only encourages buyers like China & EU to look elsewhere for cheaper access to these products. The outcome is US loses business that may never come back. This One Two punch facilitated by Trump’s Advisors like Wilbur Ross and Steve Mnuchin are strategically creating bizarre Anti-American economic policies that offer these Globalists a guaranteed monopoly power worldwide.

Let’s take Wilbur ross holding up a Campbell’s soup can and Coke cans to talk about why we Americans shouldn’t care about the Aluminum Tariffs.

Ross makes it harder for the US to sell it’s products competitively on the global marketplace for 3 main reasons:

#1 His ultimate boss is a man named Lord Rothschild in the UK who has an interest in manipulating global core resource markets to advantage his family’s vast fortune.

#2 He owns companies that benefit financially from these Globalist partners owning and selling the products he establishes tariffs to benefit.

#3 Ross can give Globalists who own the remaining US Companies unlimited ability to screw workers with stagnant or declining wages, decreased retirement packages & CEO paychecks to Ross business partners and Hedge Fund cronies.

Let’s take a look at the volume of Wilbur Ross shell companies.

and that US GDP will eventually like all bubbles nosedive as the result.

Who are these Globalist Robber Barrons?

Let me introduce you to the modern day Global Robber Barons: Folks who are Industry Magnates of Aluminum, Steel and Drywall and today’s version of Dale Carnegie or J. Paul Getty. People who do anything to ensure a monopolistic grip on their market instead now it’s about global monopolistic domination. Trump and Wilbur Ross are 4 layers below the cast of Oligarchs, CEOs, Hostile State Actors (Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc.) who are helping this network of billionaires thrive.


Who is actually winning from Trump’s insanely ignorant Trade wars?

Japan, EU and Canada who are making direct trade deals and leaving the US out in the cold. How long before that hits our GDP Bottom line? Imagine the US has a GDP nosedive and the rest of the world absorbs our lost revenues? It’s happening now. Mexico stopped buying Washington Apples. China already stopped buying CA Wine. Shutdown California’s wine economy and you will effectively plunge the whole state into an irrevocable tailspin of economic depression the likes of which our Dustbowl era will make look like a party.




Techno Enthusiast & Futurist, National Election Integrity Activist.