Workers of Coolock Iceland Store Occupy Shop in Protest Against Unjust Sackings A Call for Solidarity

2 min readJun 22, 2023


In a powerful display of resilience and determination, the workers of Coolock Iceland store have taken a stand by occupying their workplace to protest against unjust sackings. Their actions highlight the urgent need to protect workers’ rights and amplify their voices. It is crucial to stand in solidarity with these workers, recognizing their fight for fair treatment and dignity in the workplace. Let us join forces and support them in their quest for justice.

The decision to sack workers unjustly not only undermines their livelihoods but also sends a distressing message about the value placed on employees’ rights and well-being. In these challenging times, it is paramount to safeguard workers’ rights, ensuring they are treated with respect, fairness, and dignity. The workers of Coolock Iceland store have taken a courageous step by occupying their workplace, demanding accountability and fair treatment from their employers.

The act of occupying the shop serves as a powerful means for workers to have their voices heard. It demonstrates their determination to fight against injustice and seek redress for the wrongs they have experienced. By standing in solidarity with these workers, we can amplify their voices and advocate for their right to fair treatment, just employment practices, and a dignified work environment. It is crucial to recognize the importance of their struggle and work collectively to address the issues at hand.

At the heart of the workers’ protest is the fight for fair treatment and dignity in the workplace. No worker should suffer unjust treatment, exploitation, or arbitrary dismissals. This struggle transcends the Coolock Iceland store and serves as a reminder of the broader systemic issues that affect workers globally. By supporting these workers, we take a stance against unfair practices and call for workplaces that prioritize the well-being and rights of their employees.

