Luxury and unique destination wedding

rihansh planner
2 min readJul 15, 2019


Your wedding day is the most precious and has to be the most memorable. It is the long-lived wish of everyone to hold a type of wedding of their choice. People even tend to add things in their bucket list they need to do on their wedding day. It is not just any other festival but the bonding of two souls into a new life of their own. A family experiences immense joy when they marry off their daughter or son which can be witnessed from their ‘happy tears’. As the occasion is a storehouse of emotions, it has to be special in every way.

Destination weddings are observed to be commonly included in anyone’s ideal wedding. As the wedding day is itself is memorable, couples tend to innovate it more by holding it at their dream destination. It is basically your wedding and you can pick any location. Usually, the location is in foreign countries so it is not something you plan the day before and execute the other day. It has to have solid planning behind every small thing that is involved in it. However, even after a brick plan, there are chances of things not going your way. Here are some tips on how to plan out a perfect luxurious destination wedding within budget:

  • List out priorities. You obviously have been dreaming about your destination wedding quite for a while now and can actually figure what you inevitably want in your wedding. You can start off by channelling maximum money on it. However, keeping in mind that you have other necessary stuff to incorporate too.

• Starting off early is never too bad. Tour a few venues and wisely compare them not just in terms of money by also the facilities. This is because ideally the wedding is a onetime thing and cannot compromise with the quality.

• Maintain the expenses record. It may sound like a school kid thing but it actually is beneficial. Set your budget at the top of the list and keep adding things with their costing.

• Lastly, be smart while paying. There are numerous hostels and services providers that arrange special offers. Check those and then apply for them. Billing methods can help too.



rihansh planner

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