14 Creative Writing Formats in English: A blog around Creative writing formats in English.

Rijul Singh Malik
13 min readOct 29, 2021


Creative writing formats are very important when it comes to writing. The format of a story can make or break it. Some formats are better than others, and so here we present to you the 14 most popular creative writing formats for you to use.

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A biography is a factual account of someone’s life. It describes the person’s life, including their origins, development, career, and death. Often, it takes the form of a short account written by a person’s friend or associate. It is usually highly detailed and factual. Many historians are not considered to be biographers, because they write about events that occurred before the writer’s lifetime. There are two types of biographies: An authorized biography is written with consent, cooperation, or at least the permission of a person or estate that controls the subject’s life story. The unauthorized biography is written without the subject’s permission.

Biography can be defined as an account of a person’s life written by another person. A biography is a story that details the life of someone or something. It is an account of someone or something that is either true or mostly true. It might be written by someone who actually knew the person or by someone who did research. Biographies are about real people. They are usually written by other people. Biographers gather information about their subject by conducting interviews, reading diaries and letters, and gathering other documents.

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IELTS writing format

IELTS Writing task 2 is a task where you will be asked to describe a person, a place or an object. You will be given a picture and a topic and you have to write a minimum of 250 words. The IELTS Writing Task 2 is a type of essay with an opinion. Your opinion is about the topic you have been given. The opinion needs to be convincing, logical and well supported. You need to provide evidence from the passage(s) to develop your opinion. You need to use the vocabulary and grammar from the topic, so you need to know everything about the topic.

The IELTS writing test is made up of two identical papers, each of which is one hour in length. You will be asked to write an essay in 30 minutes, making notes for yourself in the last 15 minutes. You will then be asked to write a second essay, without referring back to the notes you made in the first essay. It is important to plan your essays in advance, so they are coherent and well structured. You will be given a title at the beginning of the test which you should use when writing your essay. You should develop your argument in your essay by using examples and detailed reasons and/or explanations for your opinions. It is also useful to consider the opposing side of the argument in order to help you structure your essay.

3. Business writing format

The business writing format is a standard format that is used in business correspondence. It is a formal style of business writing that is used in a variety of business situations. While a business letter is a private document between two people, a business proposal is a proposal that is submitted to a third party for a contract or agreement. The business writing format is used for both business letters and business proposals. In order to write a successful business proposal, you must have a clear understanding of the proposal format.

Business writing format must be clear, concise, accurate, complete, objective, well-organized, and supportive of the writer’s argument. The format should be appropriate for the intended audience. If the writing is intended for a broad audience, then simple, straightforward language is recommended. Writing for a specialized audience may require more technical, detailed, or precise language. Writing based on personal experience may require a personal writing style.

As a business owner, it is essential to be able to communicate with professionalism in all aspects of your life. This means that you should be able to write effectively, whether you are writing an email, making a phone call or presenting a proposal. The key to effective business writing is making sure that your writing is clear, concise, informative and error-free. Here are some of the most common formats used in business writing, along with the situations in which they are most effective.

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4. Resume Writing

Resume writing format is one of the most important parts of resumes. It is the first thing that the readers notice. When you are seeking a job, you have to write your resume professionally. If you are not aware of the different formats, you might not be able to write a resume that will impress the reader. You should be aware of the different formats so that you can choose the best resume format for your resume.

The standard or conventional curriculum vitae writing format is the format that is most widely used in the business world. No matter what the job is, this format is used in most cases. The conventional curriculum vitae writing format is the most widely used standard format in the business world. It is used in most cases. This conventional curriculum vitae writing format is made up of five sections. They are your contact information, your professional profile, your academic history, your skills and expertise, and finally, your employment history. Now, in this article, I will be talking in detail about the conventional curriculum vitae writing format in English.

5. Campus Visit

A campus visit report is a report you are required to write when you are invited to campus to meet the department. This report is very important because it can help you decide if this is the university you want to attend. A campus visit report should contain answers to these questions: 1.What was the ranking of the university when you applied, what is it now that you have visited? 2.What are the graduations rates? What are the average salaries of the graduates? 3.What are the housing facilities like? Are they dormitories or apartment? 4.What is the weather like? 5.What are the classrooms like? 6.What are the professors like? 7.What are the facilities like? 8.What are the requirements for applying to the school? 9.What are the programs offered by the school? 10.What are the admissions requirements? 11.What are the financial aid packages? 12.What is the procedure for getting an on-campus job? 13.What are the clubs and organizations offered by the school? 14.What are the faculty research interests? 15.What are the special requirements for applying?

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6. Letter Writing

The letter is a writing format that is used to communicate with a specific person or business. The content of the letter is usually informal and the tone is generally formal, but the letter may also be used for friendly or personal communication. In letter writing, the physical presence of the letter is not required, the letter is written to be read.

Letter writing form a traditional form of communication, a written message sent by post. It is a type of communication that requires a strict format and a careful choice of words. The format of a letter can vary according to the situation, but there are a few main points that should be covered in any letter.

Letter writing format (with sample letters). A letter is a form of written communication. Letters typically contain information, and might also contain requests for action, comments, and replies. Letters have several formats, but the most common is a piece of paper with one or two sides, and a physical address and postmark on the reverse. Letters are generally sealed and sent through postal services. Before the advent of postal systems, letters were written on tablets, papyrus, or materials such as silk and delivered by messengers. The formal ancient Egyptian “Coptic” letter, called “hieratic”, was developed from hieroglyphic handwriting, and the Greek alphabet was derived from the Phoenician alphabet.

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7. Dialogue Writing

Dialogue format: Dialogue:

A: What did you just say?

B: I just said that we’re going to be late for school.

A: I thought you said we’re going to be late for school.

B: No. I just said we’re going to be late for school.

A: I said we’re going to be late for school.

Dialogue is one of the most basic ways of writing in literature. It is two or more characters talking to each other, using ‘he said’, ‘she said’ or ‘they said’ to show who said what. Dialogue is an important part of any story, as the point of the story is for the characters to act out the plot, which is done through their words. Dialogue is also an excellent way to capture the characters’ personalities and emotions.

8. English Essay

The English essay writing format is the foundation of any successful piece of writing. A strong essay writing format paves the way for an interesting topic, logical argument, and a well-thought-out conclusion. While the format of essays is less important in many other languages, English teachers rely on the essay format to help students learn how to write with the most clarity and precision.

The English essay format is important. The essay format is the way you organize your ideas for your reader. Many people confuse short story format with essay format. So here are some of the most common English writing formats. I will try to keep this list up-to-date as I find other formats. I will also try to include some example essays that I have written in these formats.

When you write an English essay, it is always better to follow a proper format. A format can make or break your essay. A good format will organize your thoughts and ideas. It will make your essay easy to read and understand. A bad format will make your essay hard to read and understand. A good format will make your essay look professional and well-written. A bad format will make your essay look sloppy and unprofessional. A good format will make your readers see your essay as a good example of English writing. A bad format will make your readers see your essay as a bad example of English writing.

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9. Follow Up

In an email, the second paragraph is the sign-off. In a business letter, the second paragraph is the closing. In a formal report, the second paragraph is the conclusion. In a family letter, the second paragraph is the post script. The most important thing to remember about a letter is that you must not jump from one topic to another in the second paragraph. The second paragraph must follow a logical order. The second paragraph should be a summary of what you have been saying in the preceding paragraphs. It should include a recap of the main points and a restatement of the purpose of the letter. It should also include a request for a specific action from the reader.

A follow-up letter is an important document sent to your clients after you have delivered your service to them. This letter may request another business opportunity if the client is pleased with the service. It may also be used to follow-up on a previous request or discuss an important issue that needs to be addressed.

10. Parody Writing

Parody is a literary work that mimics and often ridicules an existing work, and often previous creations by the same author. Parody is usually humorous, but its intent is often satirical, especially in the case of a critique of a specific work or genre. Parodies contrast with mockeries. A common element of parody is mockery of an author’s style, but it can also involve a general mockery of a work.

Parody is a literary technique, in which an author writes in the style of the original writer, while providing a humorous critique on the work itself, usually by exaggerating the style for comic effect. A parody, when read, is understood to be a humorous imitation of the original work rather than a “serious” composition in its own right. As a literary technique, parody dates back to ancient Greek comedy and has been used frequently ever since.

PARODY PARODY is a literary genre that imitates the characteristic style of another author. The word “parody” is derived from the Greek: para (beside) and ody (song). Parodies tend to be humorous, but the humor is more broadly characterized as “satire” or “ironic mimicry”. Often, a parody is a humorous work composed in the style of an author, or in the case of a dramatic work, in the style of a particular play. However, parody can also be a simple form of cultural criticism, holding up cultural works such as art, literature, film, or music to ridicule, usually for satirical or humorous effect.

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11. Public Relations

As part of the public relations activities, organizations use letter writing to create more awareness about the company, its products, the services they are offering, new offerings, new launches, etc. A letter is one of the most important tools for promoting your company. Since it is more formal, the letter should be short, precise, and to the point.

Example —

Dear Ms. Bea, Thank you again for the kind comments you shared in your last email. I am thrilled to hear that you and your family enjoyed your stay at the resort and that your kids had a great time. We look forward to seeing you again in the near future and thank you for your continued support and loyalty. Have a great day and best regards,

12. Frame Story

A frame story is a literary structure used in many oral and literary traditions. The story can be presented as an entire story, or just a frame, which is then filled out with additional stories. A frame story is often a complete short story in itself; it may also be a story within a story. The frame story leads readers from a first story into one or many second stories, and may return to the first story, and to the frame, or not, and the frame story may be of any length.

The frame story is a literary technique often used in fiction. It is where a story is contained within another story, often used for folktales or fables. The frame story leads the reader to expect certain events and characters, but when the story begins, the reader realizes that the story he or she is reading is actually a story within the main story. For example, many folktales use this technique, so one story may be about a boy who goes out to seek his fortune, and the story within the story may be about a princess who is in need of a hero to rescue her from a dragon. The princess meets the boy and convinces him to become her hero. Once the boy defeats the dragon, they both return to the kingdom to live happily ever after.

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13. Rant

It’s not exactly an uncommon practice for people to write about their rants, complaints, or opinions. However, there are so many other creative writing formats available that you should take advantage of. Rants are somewhat frowned upon in creative writing, but it’s not because they’re bad. It’s because they’re overdone. If you want to write a rant, that’s fine, but there are several creative writing formats that can help you out.

Rant is a type of essay used to describe a person’s complaints about a particular issue. It is possible for a rant to be written about almost anything. Most rants are written in an informal tone and feature strong opinions. They are often characterized by the presence of large amounts of profanity. The tone of a rant can be humorous, sarcastic, bitter, angry, or even threatening. Rant essays are sometimes written in first person tense, but are more often written in the second person or third person.

Rant, Rave, Rant on, Rave on, Vent, Vindicate, and so on. These are all common ways to start off a creative writing piece. They imply that the writer needs to get something off their chest. And they do, but not in the way you might think. After all, you’re writing about it and not screaming it to the world. As a result, you need to find a way to get your point across without feeling like you’re shouting at your readers.

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14. Memo Writing

A memo is a written message from an individual or group to another individual or group, such as a company department, a government agency, or a military unit. Memos may be used to convey information, instructions, requests, and arguments, and often contain a list of bullet points and brief explanations or justifications for an action.

# Memo Have you ever wondered why we use the word “Memo” in the heading “Memo”? We use this word because it represents a formal letter to someone in the company. Memo is a formal letter in which we can give information to someone in the company. It is usually written in a formal and professional manner and it is written in a way that the person in the company understands.

MEMO is a letter or memo, often written by one person or group of people and addressed to another, but also used for other purposes. Memos can be distributed to anyone involved in an organization, including employees and executives. They are often used by companies to convey important messages and instructions on a regular basis, and can be used as a substitute for meetings.

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Conclusion —

We hope you’ve enjoyed our blog about English creative writing formats. As you can see there are many different formats for creative writing and we hope that you find one that you’re comfortable with, and that allows you to express your creativity to the best of your ability. Please feel free to share this article with friends and family if you think it could be of use to anyone.

Thank you !



Rijul Singh Malik

MS Data science @UC IRVINE | Data Scientist | Blogger | Content Creator | Avid Traveller